Stocking My Tank


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Junction 9 of the M25, UK
I've got an 83 litre tank (3ft x 1ft x 15") and ultimately, I'd like the following:

7 Zebra Danios
6 Khuli loaches
1 Siamese Flying Fox
2 Bristlenose plecs

Is that OK or too many fellas in one tank? (Ideally, I'd like a nice shoal of danios, so if I can put a few more in, I'd like to - and again, how many?)

I've got an 83 litre tank (3ft x 1ft x 15") and ultimately, I'd like the following:

7 Zebra Danios
6 Khuli loaches
1 Siamese Flying Fox
2 Bristlenose plecs

Is that OK or too many fellas in one tank? (Ideally, I'd like a nice shoal of danios, so if I can put a few more in, I'd like to - and again, how many?)


I would personally just go for 1 bristlenose, these will be quite territorial in a small tank and are also huge waste producers

Also there are two species: the Flying Fox, and the Siamese AE, both really need to be kept in a small group, the flying fox being the more aggressive of the two.

If you stock very gradually then in a mature tank, IMO you could get away with

7 Zebra Danios
6 Khuli loaches
3 Siamese Algae Eaters
1 Bristlenose plecs

Or you could drop the one SAE and have another 7 Leopard danio or even on of the less common species
I would personally just go for 1 bristlenose, these will be quite territorial in a small tank and are also huge waste producers

Oo!! So even having a male and female pair would be a no-no? (Quite apart from the waste issue, o'course!!)

Also there are two species: the Flying Fox, and the Siamese AE, both really need to be kept in a small group, the flying fox being the more aggressive of the two.

Mine's definitely a Flying Fox. I had two originally and they 'argued' like crazy. So the more aggressive one had to go! Mind you, my remaining one even tries to bully the Danios (mainly at feeding time), so I'll stick with the one, I think!!


And yes, I'd be making gradual introductions stock-wise! I've been caught out by 'too much, too soon' before!

im not too smart on flying foxs but the other fish seem alright but i think 1 bn and i admit danios are really nice zebras and lepords will mix in shoal in my experiance
if you do drop the flying fox you could get some pearl danios which look a bit bigger then zebras but are really nice in there natrual colours
7 Zebra Danios
6 Khuli loaches
3 Siamese Algae Eaters
1 Bristlenose plecs

Well, on Sunday, I swapped my monster Sailfin/Common plec for two Coolies and a teeny weeny ickle baby Bristlenose plec (who is GORGEOUS!!)

So I've now got:

5 Zebra Danios
1 Siamese Flying Fox
5 Khulis
1 Bristlenose plec

Blokey in the shop said that some more Zebra Danios would be fine. I'm tempted by getting 5 Leopard Danios to complement the 5 Zebras - or is 10 Danios in total too much?



...and here, thanks to the extremely generous help of all the folks here on the forum, is a pic of my tank, 5 months on from when I first started it. I can honestly say, without all your help (esp. with not being told about 'cycling' from the place where I bought my original fish from...) I would have a load of dead fish and have most likely given up.



well hello there stranger, good to know your tanks settled down now and your all sorted. I can't see your pics from work unfortunately but look forward to having a nose when I get home! :good:

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