Stocking ideas for a 3-gallon tank?

Trichopsis pumila might work. Similar requirements to a betta but half the size. Some people might disagree with this though.

Dario sp. might work, they're super retiring and really don't need a lot of space. They're also terrible competitors and really would do best in a species tank like this. They also benefit from really thick planting.

The key is maintaining water quality, which is harder in a smaller tank.
Least Killifish (heterandria Formosa) 300x200x200mm is enough for a pair according to SF. No idea how available they are in Singapore though. £50 will get you the pair on U.K. eBay posted to your door. :eek:
I think because the tank is quite long it could work, they are not overly active fish but they do patrol the tank investigating everything, they are not active in the sense of a schooling fish or live bearer etc. I would obviously prefer the tank to be a bit bigger.


Interesting.. I haven't heard of this fish before, and I don't think I've seen it any in any LFS. With a max size just under an inch, I might consider it.
I was researching on the Boraras Brigittae initially, as @WhistlingBadger suggested. Both fish are hard to find in shops here, but there are some who sell online.
Dario sp. might work, they're super retiring and really don't need a lot of space. They're also terrible competitors and really would do best in a species tank like this. They also benefit from really thick planting.
Thanks, I'll look into it. The more I look at the photos of this fish, the more I want them! Haha

Oh! A trio or pair of small killifish could work, such as Clown Killifish.
It's a little too big for my liking. For this tank, I prefer fish that grows to an inch max. Thanks for the suggestion, though. :)

Least Killifish (heterandria Formosa) 300x200x200mm is enough for a pair according to SF. No idea how available they are in Singapore though.
There's a local group that breeds killifish over here, but SF says the female can grow to about 1.4in, so I'll have to pass on this one.
Thanks, I'll look into it. The more I look at the photos of this fish, the more I want them! Haha

It's a little too big for my liking. For this tank, I prefer fish that grows to an inch max. Thanks for the suggestion, though. :)

There's a local group that breeds killifish over here, but SF says the female can grow to about 1.4in, so I'll have to pass on this one.
The male is approx 3/4” which averages out to errrh errrh errrh just over 1”!!!

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