
Heres what I think Im going to do
A trio of motoro rays
9 clown loaches
2 oscars
1 clown knife
1 shovelnose catfish
12 balas
1 pacu
8 silver dollars
1 bichir
Any possible way a 8 school of discus
Heres what I think Im going to do
A trio of motoro rays
9 clown loaches
2 oscars
1 clown knife
1 shovelnose catfish
12 balas
1 pacu
8 silver dollars
1 bichir

Too many imo

Any possible way a 8 school of discus

No, put the discus in that tank on their own and dont even think bout discus without a lot of research first, the same goes for all the fish you mentioned.
Im either going to do this or a big saltwater setup? thx for all your help

If I do do this i will post pic.

if you do do this, I suggest several months research before adding fish to the tank, not just getting a list of fish and going and buying them. When I wanted discus, I spent a few months researching and learning before got them.
You have selected loads of fish that shouldnt be mixed.... hence the main word research first loads of reading and learning from books and the net, not expecting everyone to answer your questions (said in a nice way :) )
Oh I have iv researched rays for two years by books, magazines, and the internet. I just like to hear from personal expierces.
Oh I have iv researched rays for two years by books, magazines, and the internet. I just like to hear from personal expierces.

ok, so do they like the same water as all the other fish you are thinking of and would the aggression be ok?
I certainly wouldnt with discus and others you have mentioned...
I think that stocking list is too much. I wouldnt get the pacu, as they can get huge apparently, and what shovelnose cat are you thinking about? If its a tiger shovelnose, defineately dont get it, they can get to 4' plus. If its a lima shovelnose then it would only get 12" so thats fine. I wouldnt add two oscars either, only one if it was me.

even without the pacu and both oscars its still WAY to much imo,and the rays may have problems competing for food.
i know were talking about a big tank but think about 9 clown loach,12 balas and 8 silver dollars fully grown,thats a lot of big fish and heavy bio load on its own let alone the rays and whatever else
Dear god imagine the filter's you would need with those fish in a 300 Gallon.... Eheim 100,000,000,000 has to do 5 Million gallons per minute... :p

I am envious of the tank size ARGH....imagine the fish you could put without adding the monster fish... 1 Bumble bee catfish and a platy :p
in that size tank, i would have it as freshwater, With 3 Montoro rays and a school of 8 discus. Discus arent hard to keep everyone says they are but they just need an extra eye on them thats all it takes same like rays i spose. but if you didnt want that i would go for 3 Rays, 1 Birchir 6 S Dollars or Balas, Clown Knife and a Shovel nose.
$4000 will not buy a tank, stand, hood, filtration and stock for a tank that size in FW, let alone SW. And that is withouth the running costs of feeding and electricity.

However, if you had the money then SW would be abetter option. there are a few marine rays (the hard to keep blue spotted being one) that stay quite small. And by going SW with a tank that size you could put sharks in as well.
ahahah pie, pie ,pie.Is good :hyper: :drool: .I don't know cra* about rays but i thought they would eat the clowns easily(as they rarely get over 7',and are bottem dwellers) and the discus and that just dont mix?I would just put a shoal of 30 silver dollars in...wait,would a pangasius catfish go with rays.They love big tanks!Good luck

Ps if you don't mind me asking,how old are you because for a 'kid' $4000 or £4000 seems a lot of money to have!

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