

New Member
Feb 9, 2007
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Tri-Lakes Area,NY
I will be getting a huge aquarium(around 300 gallon) over the summer. I was going to do a saltwater stingray tank but i said why do that when I could do freshwater rays which are easier and less expensive.

I got most of my information that I needed from that great topic on freshwater stingrays.

I was thinking about getting two Potamotrygon scobina and two Potamotrygon orbignyi as my stingrays.

Now what I need to know is what can I keep with them?(other than arawanas).

I need to know specific names of fish(not there latin names).

Thx a lot
a few possible ray tank mates off the top of my head...
knife fish,eels,arowanas,siamese tiger fish,peacock bass,gars,large catfish,bichirs,bala sharks,clown loach,discuss,
i have seen all the above in ray set ups
what are the dimensions of the new tank gonna be?
im in the middle of setting up a 300+ gallon tank myself
Hey stingray, glad to hear my topic was of help, but i personally think that if you got a trio of Potamotrygon orbignyi's to start with, because they are a hardy species, then move to some of the less easy species, like the scobinas.
Just one thing to remember about stingray tankmates is that some of them may suck onto the rays disc. For example, plecs. They do this to eat the mucus coating thats on the rays, and this can cause bad irritations and infections to the rays.
Some other species which are good are flag tails, which are great for cleaning up left over food, but you have to be careful with them because they can suck on the rays discs. Another would be silver dollars, which a shoal of would look ace in a 300g.
Just remember though, dont get a species that will need loads of hiding places, because you want as little decor as possible.

Go for 24" high, will give tankmates more escape room if the rays get hungry.
Im not totally sure about this, but i think that if you had one specie of mid-dweller, like some peacock bass, then you couldnt have another, like some siamese tiger fish, may want to ask that nearer the time, because i doubt that fully grown pbass' would tollerate any other mid-dwellers....

Ok heres what my stocklist would probably be:
A trio of stingrays the one Catfish mentioned.
1-Clown Knifefish(I see them out all the time so I dont think they need hiding places)
12- Clownloaches(I heard they look really good in a stingray tank because they hover right above the stingray)
12-Bala Sharks
12-Silver Dollars
Anything else I could add or is the already overstocked(I could make it a little higher like 26 inches.)

This Ok?
Yeah I was thinks 96 inches lond 36 inches wide and around 22-23 inches in height.

Great size.

I keep and have kept the following fish with mine:

Silver arowana
African tiger fish
Florida gar
Jardinin arowana
Bala Sharks
Clown knife
Ornate Bichir
Redtail catfish

Although I never have, I wouldn't suggest keeping eels with them though - IMO - I've always worried that with the eels burying themselves, and the rays sifting for food... bad things might happen. I don't know - I'm just cautious...

~ Wonderboy!
Yeah i think that sounds good, its a very big tank, about 390 US gallons, which really is huge. If it was me id go for more veriety of fish. For me id have:
1x black arowana
3x orbys
3x scobina (eventually)
2x pbass
1x stourgeon catfish or 1x ornate pim
1x fire eel

and probably some other things eventually...but along the lines of your stocklist:
3x orbys
1x clown knife
6x clowns
6x balas
6x silver dollars

and then ontop of that you cold get quite a few more things in ontop of that, for abit more veriety. So what kinds of other things do you like? (if you would want to, otherwise, the list youve stated sounds fine, just make sure everythings of a decent size, especially the clown loaches....)

Wont the arawana eat the clown loaches and bala sharks even if there big?

Oh how much do you think this tank is going to cost?(From Im guessing around 1600

Can I do bare bottom are not?

Little bit about my self
Im only a kid and my summer job will get me around 4100.
My mom said I could get one though(better not change her mind)

Im experienced with both freshwater and saltwater tanks(5 years fresh, 1 year salt)
Yes it would, i dont mean have all the ones on the stocklist you stated, and one the one i stated, i mean the ones from one of them. The bottom one could have things added to it, as it is the things you surrgested, but in lesser numbers, which would give you extra stocking options because of the smaller bio-load.


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