Sterbai Cory With Stunted Tail


Fish Crazy
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
South East London
Hi guys, my son and I went out yesterday and bought 6 Sterbai Cory for his freshly cycled 2ft (63 litre) tank. They are its first residents. But, just a few minutes ago we noticed that one has a tail that doesn't look like it's formed properly. I guess it's either that or it's been nipped by another fish during its time at the fish store, though to me it doesn't look ragged enough for that. They were sharing a tank with Discus, though I've no idea whether that raises the possibility of this one having been attacked or not.

What do you think?


With good water care and a little melafix the tail will grow back. If it doesn't but does not appear to get worse in any way, then it may be a simple deformity. He'll be fine either way.
Hi yabadaba :)

Your cory looks a little beat up to me. Keep your water clean and keep a close eye on him and the others as well. Torn fins are not a big problem and will heal, but he has been under a lot of stress and that could lead to additional problems. If he's perky and playing with his other companions he will probably be fine.

Good luck with your new tank! :D
Okay, so it might well be an injury rather than a deformity and should, therefore grow back.....that's good to hear.

All the Cory were quite subdued initially, but seem a lot more active today. The one with the damaged tail seems to be trying hard to keep up with the others, but is having to wiggle his body so much faster than them to keep up! He does this for a while but I guess it makes him tired as every now and again he gives up and rests for a few minutes on the sand.

I was pretty nervous about introducing them to the tank because the LFS said the water they'd been in was at pH 6.0 (for the sake of the Discus) and the ph in mine and my son's tanks is more like pH 7.4. On the advice of the guy in the LFS I kept them in my maintenance bucket for a couple of hours, with tank water slowly dripping into it through some air hose before letting them loose. I hope that will have eased the transition into harder water.

I've now added a couple of teaspoons of Melafix to aid the healing and will continue to do so for a few days. Thanks.
Melafix is very good it did the job for my C. Julii. Just keep an eye on them it may take awhile for him to get back to normal. But as long as he is feeding thats the main thing to watch for.

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