Starving Fish

45 gallon tank

New Member
Nov 19, 2006
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Me mom is planning to go out of town for 3 whole days...I need some info on how long my fish can survive without food. They are 6 black skirt tetras and 3 pangio kuhliis which i just bought 2 days ago. They are healthy and eating well i just need to know how long they can starv because i don't want them to die :( .
fish can go a long time without food, about a week before it starts to affect them any (from what i've heard), but i had a sick betta who didn't eat for two months and he came around fine. Three days is nothing. My fish haven't eaten since tuesday since i'm on break and they live at school.
fish can go a long time without food, about a week before it starts to affect them any (from what i've heard), but i had a sick betta who didn't eat for two months and he came around fine. Three days is nothing. My fish haven't eaten since tuesday since i'm on break and they live at school.
I'm tempted to believe that but different kinds of fish endure longer without food i need specific info on my fish right now i'm worrying like hell about if my fish has died or is still alive...
they will be more than fine. If you are worried you can slightly but just slightly over feed them before hand, or get an automatic feeder, or a neighbour to feed them

by the way, as they are new, dont forget that they could well die anyway, new fish are more likely to have something wrong that you didnt know about, or be stressed which can also kill them. So if some do die try not to be too upset.
i have kuhlis, and have left many types of tetras for as long as a week and never had any problems. You really don't need to worry. You wouldn't starve in three days and niether will they.
Another thing, in the wild fish have to find their own food they dont get fed, and sometimes its a while before a feed comes along!
I would only get a feeding block if the fish werent going to be fed for a week- 3 days is nothing,most fish will last between 1 to 2 weeks quite happily, they will always browse :) on the algae in your tank too
Thanks for all the information. I just came back from 3 days and they were fine no one died and they were all at max coloration. Except that one of the tetras got its fin shredded...but that seems to be the worst of the problems.
Oh yeah 3 days is perfectly fine. I've left my fish for a week and they've been fine. It may actually be good for them to clear their system. Besides, if you have a little algae or live plants they will nibble on that too.

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