Starting Over


Fish Fanatic
Dec 21, 2005
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So my poor fish are both dead, after just 3 weeks in my care. :-(

I really want to start over, my tank is semi cycled, is there anyway I can clean out all the water and gravel and start again, without losing the cycle? I am positive parasites had a part to play in their deaths (it all started with ick) so am keep to do lots of cleaning.

My second Q is what I should put back in and when. Apart from finishing the cycle properly is there anything else to consider?

And as for what I have a 58 litre coldwater tank and a fluval 2 and rena filstar I2 filter. I had a baby oranda and a baby black moor, I had intended to upgrade when they outgrew in about about 9 months or so.

But is there any kind of fish I could keep 2 of in that tank without upgrading?? They need to be hardy(!), and reasonably cute. My current thought was to get a new black moor and a snail, but wasnt v keen on the stories of thousands of snails appearin in other peoples tanks.

Thanks for your thoughts, and also thanks to those who replied to my previous posts when I was trying to save my poor babies.
I don't feel comfortable responding to the first part of your question. I'd rather hear from someone who has dealt with that situation.

Without a heated tank, you won't have much of a choice on fish. Goldfish(oranda, moor, etc.) or a betta. Tropical fish will require a hearter. I think bettas even do better if the water is a little warmer than room temp. A heater really isn't a terribly huge investment, though.

I'm really sorry your fish died. They are such wonderful little critters. I recently lost a nice big angel.
For the first part of your question, i would say no, too risky. I know when i have fish in my hospital tank, i want to clean it out extremely well and santize everything to not risk exposing other fish to the illness.

I noticed you said you had another small tank. Why not clone that filter to your tropical tank? assuming those fish are healthy, there should be no problems. Basically put a new spounge next to the established one for about a week.
Changed my mind. Here's my response.

Good info on Ich

I don't know if you were ever able to find all the info on fish diseases, but the above link is a really good source for info on Ich. I think you'll find that its pretty easy to understand. You don't need to "start over". Ich needs a host to live. No fish means no host. I think you should let your tank finish cycling as is.

The pp mentions something about you having another tank, but I didn't see that. Do you have another tank? If so, I would do what the pp said about putting the newer filter sponge in next to the established sponge. All that good bacteria will attach to the new sponge.

BTW, I have a snail (ONE) in my tank and never had any infestation. I think he's been in there since I started the tank 2 years ago. Maybe I'm just really lucky??
Also, here is another look at why to steralize it. When fish get severe ich, they can easily subcome to a secondary infection. I know i have seen that many times, where there was ich in addition to a secondary infection. The secondary infection is what i would be more concerned about.
Thanks guys, will def do some steralising, and it was secondary infections which got them I thought, the ick was pretty much gone by the time they died but the were clearly not well fish.

I might as well just not take any chances, would feel even worse if the new one died becuase I hadnt.

I think a black moor and a snail it might be then,
Oh and just to clear up any confusion, I only have a 58 litre tank and that is it, I just have 2 filters, it came witht eh Rena one, but everyone told me it was 2 small and so to try and save the fish I got a fluval 2, and I wasnt sure about changing filters cycling etc, so I just put them both in as it cuoldnt hurt.

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