Starting My First Planted Tank - 55g

No problems, they are quite nice fish. my lfs had a group of 8 in a 5g and they had started breeding
No problems, they are quite nice fish. my lfs had a group of 8 in a 5g and they had started breeding

Went to the LFS today to have a look around and saw some Clown Killifish. They seem to look exactly the same as the Lampeyes, except their body is striped and they have blue eyes. I asked the LFS guy about it and it sounds like they prefer very similar water conditions. Can't find a lot of information about them on the Internet... just a little bit here and there. Do you think these would be OK?

Edit: I also posted this question in the Killifish section. Didn't realize they were considered 'Oddball' :)
After adding more plants today. There are officially no more fake plants in this tank!!! :) I'm not sure if I like the layout though. sigh. I'm not very creative when it comes to this stuff. :blush:


i think your tank looks great

when those plants fill out a bit it will look even better
One more go. I like this layout MUCH better. As does my female Klugei who has begun her mating "dance." She is a big fan of hiding under the slate in its new location. I have many more hiding places with this layout as well, so that's a plus. :good: In addition, I think this showcases the wood a little bit better.

Side View (sorry it's not more clear -- took it during the day):

great looking setup, it definately looks better.

what are the settings on your camera, you could do with lowering your iso a little bit to make the photos a bit clearer
great looking setup, it definately looks better.

what are the settings on your camera, you could do with lowering your iso a little bit to make the photos a bit clearer

I think I can manuallly change them. It was on High ISO, so I'll try a lower one. Thanks!
Most recent pic. I'd like to put a few more plants in there. Thoughts? I was thinking of adding a couple Moss Balls too. The plants in front on the left and right are the Crypts. The leaves all melted off and are slowly growing back. The Java Moss isn't attaching to the rock as well as I thought. I had to tie it down again about a week ago because some of my fish think it's a snack.

Just added some more plants today. I got the Moss Balls that I wanted. Took them awhile to actually sink to the bottom of the tank! I'm pretty happy with how it looks now. I think I'll just let it grow in in, ever so slowly. :lol:

Well since I've been looking into planting my other tank, I figured I may as well compare progress to see how this one is doing. :good: For the most part, everything is going pretty well. There is some growth, the most drastic in the Crypts that had melted leaves in the last picture. I do still get browning/dead leaves on some of the plants (I'm sure if you look hard enough you can find some), but it's much less frequent than it was in the beginning. I hope that the longer the tank is set up, the more stable it will become and the happier the plants will be. I've done some very slight re-arranging. The Camboba had to move as the power head was blowing it all over the place.

The Crypts are growing beautifully (these are in the right hand corner of the tank):


These ones are a bit shorter:


Full tank shot:


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