Starting A Nano


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
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Cheshire, UK
Hi, as you may know, im starting a nano tank, and ive seen someone near me, who has an aqua one tank (dont know the exact model yet), filter and some aqua one MG600 metal halide lighting. The lights are 150w and there are two 24w actnic tubes. Only problem is, with such a large tank, i dont know if i could afford the LR aswell...And with such nice lights, i be wanting some open brain corals too :shifty: What wuld i be able to keep under those MHs???
The one on ebay (see my thread in the buy and sell section) is still at £50, which isnt a bad price for that ammount of LR, never mind the LS, filter, tank, heater etc etc...But i dont wanna get that, and then be needing some other lights....I want it all in one package...
Do you think that if i got those MH lights, but not the tank, and used them on maybe a 5-10g, which i could pick up from the LFS or something, then it would look ok, even with oversized lights on them?
Also, how many kilos or LR would i be looking at per US gallon?

Thanks alot, Mikey
With a 150watt MH light you can pretty much keep anything you want :) There might be some really tough SPS that you'll struggle with, but those halides put out a lot :)
Ok cool, only problem is though, they cost alot :/

Do you think i should risk that tank from ebay ( which has two T5 bulbs, each with 6w with some mushrooms??? The only reason im unsure is i dont know the colour temp...If they are marine bulbs, then i should be fine, but what if their not???

Just kinda in a rush, cos the bidding ends tomorrow...

Thanks alot, Mikey
if i was you then id always get stuff from lfs or somewhere trust worthy as ebay recently has been tarnishd by frauds. also at a lfs there is people to help you
I would like to, but they are so expensive...I know of lots of sellers on ebay who have numerious feedback, and who i would trust...

Oh, and that small nano off ebay, i didnt get it in the end, just felt i wasnt prepared, as havent got my hydrometer or RO containers ready yet.

Thanks, Mikey
Hi, im just going to write up a list of everything i can think of that i will need. Please tell me if ive missed anything off, or if the price doesnt seem right...Thank you :good:

Tank and tank equipment
4 US gallon tank (acrylic) - Got
7.5w heater - Got
Hagen elite mini filter (220lph) - £7.50
(More about lighting at the end...)

Contents of tank/stock
Normal "play" sand - Got
2 kilos of live rock - £25
1x cleaner shrimp - £10
3x scarlet legged hermit crabs - £11 (for all 3)
1x yellow coral goby - £10

Water and water additives
20litres of RO - £2
8kg instant ocean salt - £20
Hydrometer - £7
RO container - £5.50
Master test kit: £17

Which so far, gives a total of: £115

Thats all i can think of at the moment, but my queries are:
Lighting, now ive seen someone who sells 12" and 24" lighting, and im waiting to hear back from him about whether the 12" one would fit my tank, as mines 36.5cm long, and it says it fits upto 35cm...I know the 24" one he sells will be ok, as the clamps can slide...Heres one, and heres the other. The bulbs are 10000k, so im sure i could keep a couple of shrooms under them...

The other thing is, test kits....Now ive seen a master test kit (API) for £17 and it has nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and high range pH...Do i need all of those? Will i need any more?

Oh, and refractometers....Will a hydrometer be ok, cos id rather spend the extra £20 on a refractometer if it would save all my livestock....What do you think?

Also, what about snails....?

So yeah, i think thats about it. Anything to add anyone? Think my stockings ok?

Thanks alot, Mikey
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The hydrometer will be OK if you can have someone with a refractometer (your LFS usually) calibrate it for you. MOST hydrometers will slowly drift to reading lower than actual. For example, mine read fine when I first got it (1.026=1.026) but after 5 months it had drifted to reading 1.026 but actually being 1.028. My Xenia alerted me to this fact by closing up and acting all strange. Not the end of the world cause the sg was stable, but I brought it back down slowly. Moral of the story, have yours checked every couple months by your LFS with a refractometer and you should be fine. If you dont know anyone with a refractometer to calibrate to, it'd be safer to purchase one yourself.

I'd add at least one if not two cerith and nassaurius snails to your crew

I'm also a little concerned with acrylic tanks. Remember to handle it with kid gloves cause they scratch easy. Never use metal algae scrapers on it, and if you use a magnet scraper, make sure you clean it often so you dont harm the acrylic. Probably the best scraper for a tank that size ironically enough would be the hard edge of an old credit card :D
Allright, thanks Ski, i think i will get a refractometer, just cos its easier...
Its been surrgested by Sf05 to try and get a larger tank, which im looking out for at the moment, but i may still get this tank set-up anyway....
What do you think about keeping a yellow coral goby in there? Think it'd be ok???

Thanks, Mikey
Ummm, probably... my only concern would be if it was a jumper but I dont know either way on that species. I know some gobies are jumpers, but just dunno which ones
Oh, allright, well i have a lid for it, but i think i might try for a larger tank (which was my initial thoughs) and go for a pair of clowns, or a cardinal (pajama) or somthing....Also, had the idea of a mixed tank, with a few species of fish, all with the same colour combinations/patters (e.g black and white clownfish, bangaii cardinals, humbugs and domino damsels etc.)

If i went for a larger system, then i wouldnt really be able to afford the lights to support corals, and the corals themselves, so could i add some algea of some sort, under normal lights to add some colour, and would they be ok with the fish? Cos ive seen some Halimeda calciferous, Caulerpa Prolifera and Caulerpa Cupressoides for sale on ebay, so just was wondering....

Thanks alot, Mikey
Yeah, you could grow some macro algaes for extra color. I know Donya does this on all his nanos, might want to PM him and ask if he has any suggestions about keeping macro aglae :)

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