Starting A Marine Tank

ok, i'll try and find a 550 on ebay or something.

Edit: I have found the tank for me! The 24g D&D Nano cube, I've seen lots of pictures of these setups and they are truely amazing.
This online shop is highly recommended and they do it at a good price with free next day delivery!

Is this tank any good?
I like the look of it and it seems to come with all the features the orca TL550 has but cheaper.

It's cheaper because is is not a marine tank, so doesn't have marine lighting or the weirs at the back.

Now you don't need the weirs at the back, although they are nice but if you want to go on to have a few corals, and you will, trust me, then the lighting would need changing, it might just be a change of bulbs though, you could have a look round to see what price the bulbs would be and if they are easy to obtain.

Seffie x
There's a guy on UR selling a TL550 for £100 in Coventry.
My grandad just happens to live near Coventry and I@m going to visit him soon. :hyper:
Woo hoo, thats a bargain :good: if its more than a year old you will need to replace the tubes, but that shouldn't be too bad. Flatter your eyelashes and you might get a few bits thrown in 'to start you off' :good:

Remember, it will probably look grubby, don't be put off by that

Seffie x

it should have:
skimmer - if this is missing, not a problem, they are cheap to buy
uv light (its a small black box usually stuck on the side) if missing not a problem.
pump in the bottom of the first on the left weir)
Spray bar

check that the lights work by pressing down the big red or black buttons on the top of the lid - one light is moonlights the other the main lights
ok, he still hasn't replied or put any pics up. It's 18 months old so I'll get some new lights for it, and there's no information about the equipment.


Ps: I think I'm gunna be abit cheeky and start thinking about stock, I read YF's journal and I liked the sound of some of his stock.
So here it is so far:
1 Black perc clown
1 Orange perc clown
1 Purple Firefish
1 Banjini cardinal (spelling?)
1 Clown Goby

And I don't know about clean up crew, any suggestions to improve that stocklist?

I know I haven't even got the tank yet but I want to get in the mood :rolleyes:
Oh indeed - why not, it is allpart of the planning.

Its a good list, just make sure the clowns are as small as possible :good:

Purple firefish - lovely, if I could find a pair would get them myself

Cardinal - i'm saying nothing!!!!

Goby - cute as a button, but have a look around, there might be others you like better

Seffie x
With the cardinal is it good or bad?

I like the red firefish and the purple firefish, could they both live happily together?

Seffie Dislikes Cardinals they are not the most exciting fish in the world they just float about doing very little I would look at a Blenny Bi-colour, Flymo or Tailspot much more active.
Yip SWM had a pair of helfrichi firefish these were very expensive.

I would be tempted to get 2 clowns the same not sure on mixing them and I would add them both at the same time if mixing them to manage the aggression (dependant on age)
Ok so here's my stocking so far:
2 Black perc clowns
1 Red firefish or purple firefish :unsure:
1 Royal Gramma
1 Yellow Watchman Goby

That sound good?

Sounds good, but there are many fish suitable for your tank:

Yellow or blue assessor (if you can find one)
Orchid dottyback
Flame hawkfish - one of my fav fish
fairy wrasse

to name but a few

take a look at the fish of the week threads :good:

Seffie x
Seffieuk is this the book that you recommended?

I'll buy that and have a read through it, then I'll decide what I want to stock.

Yes its a good book and that is a very good price. All his books are good imo - would love his series of hard backs but they add up to a lot of money!!

Seffie x

just thought, its Christmas soon - think i might put one of my list :kana:

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