Starting A Marine Aquarium

adding clowns first may not be the best idea if you want other less aggressive fish. They will guard their turf once they are settled
And when the Rio pumps fail they will apparently wipe out the tank. Something they supposidely do regularly...

All the best
Don't forget their ability to send the tank live giving electric shocks to the aquarist. ;) (There is a great note on them somewhere on WWM IIRC)

The general advice on rio pumps is to avoid them like the plague.

can i just add that if your rio was purchased new after august 2008 the chances are it will have a bioflow pump on it so your safe. if your not sure check the pictures on juwels website
adding clowns first may not be the best idea if you want other less aggressive fish. They will guard their turf once they are settled

Nah, i will only have 2 fish in the entire tank :)

yes what do you mean wrong pump??? is the Taam Rio Nano Skimmer okay then?
A previous poster thought I was refuring to the pumps supplied with the Juwel Rio tanks, a Juwel pump, not the Rio pumps supplied with the Taam Nano skimmer. No, the Taam Nano isn't a great skimmer :sad:

All the best
don't get a VisiJet skimmer. They are crap. You can't clean the motor properly.

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