yeah if even one of my anubias leaves ripped id cryAnubias are one of the slowest growing plants I have experience with...
yeah if even one of my anubias leaves ripped id cryAnubias are one of the slowest growing plants I have experience with...
I have Anubias barteri, Anubias b. coffeefolia.A. frazeri ( I think- it might have died) and Anubias nana that I got cheap at petsmart. They've survived some major mistakes but now all seem to be in normal but slow growth. For the longest time,black algae that looked like pain splatter was threatening to totally cover the plants. Hydrogen Peroxide would help...but HP usually killed some Java moss,set back other plants and a fish here and there.
The new "Don't change that water!" and maybe the super aerating venturi with cloud of fine bubbles seem to have turned the tide. I see out of the that group of Anubias a new leaf somewhere all the time now.
I've only seen ONE single video of a guy using a powerhead like mine in his plant tank that's only low tech in not using Co2,but otherwise high lighting and packed with plants and Swordtail fish. He gives the venturi credit for making a healthier aquarium for the plants and fish.
btw,I really like A. coffeefolia look with pleated leaves and Anubias nana because its a great contrast to the other aquarium plants with its small scale foliage. Just that when you see if for sale at LFS? Buy all they have and then glue to a branch or longish rock. I find rocks with rough texture make much better holdfasts for epiphytes, and that extra rooting does speed up growth as you would think.
ive found that myself now, though some are really good. I do like my high tech as well as low techWhen I returned to the hobby in 2018 I got all in to youtube and the Lisbon natural aquarium. After that,I spent hours watching plant vids,some money ordering plants. Four years ago,choice water plants were not seen for sale. Today? Its really changed- but that's another story.
I began to have favorites on hosts for fish talks. Slowly adding more and more...sometimes deleting the obnoxious personality on occasion. Well,today I was going down that list again because some of the channels I hadn't looked at in months..their topics of "For beginners"'t catching my interest. Some over the years turned out not to be so accurate with the advice on plants or fish.
I've really whittled it down to like ten channels and almost none of them are big channels. Too many big channels set up tanks for content..generating income more than teaching or even being interesting. You've seen their aquariums, stuffed with fish that are underfed and in style of the day.
Its actually hard to find somebody who combines aquarium fish keeping with at least trying for a natural looking tank after tank fish room. I've met some very knowledgeable fish keepers who are blank on plants and vice versa.
Anyways you learn and move on.