once the plants started to grow like crazy the algae stopped to growThe Tiger on no Co2 or super lighting. I was happy it grew..but never thought it would start to color up like this. Again,no water changes in a month. Topped off of course. Also,glass algae has been near non existent. Before? I was scrubbing that front glass once a week. All plants looking better than ever.True.
One photo is a bit dark but you can see new redder leaves with older brown-red leaves.
i-i think i got exposed.... i sometimes forget to weekly WCAs soon as I STOPPED making weekly water changes..the plants took off ,and the algae took a deep dive. Today I added more top off water..and really see no real tint in the water. So,I guess if it ain't broke..
i started with one small specimen of each plant i have, and with a strong light they can slowly fill it up, 1 year almostIt's a hard balance to get. I had many plants but they were all in slow motion so I kept water changes going and that in turn kept the plants weak and the algae strong. I guess this is why aquascapers spend big upfront on enough plants to fill the aquariums. Only this aquarium was just too big for me to do that.
wow! removing anubias means that it grows super fast!lol,SAME HERE. Every plant started as one..or about. Bolbitis was a 8" strand. Cryptocoryne balansae was a single sliver of a plant. The Pearl Weed looks like those horror movies of something that grows from tiny into gargantua. It was a $1.90 or so at PetSmart just 4 months ago. You remind me how i have a 24" long plantings of C. wendtii and that was a single plant for a year. Then it was three smallish plants for another..then I moved them into a lines fronting the Anubias. Since the end of weekly water changes it has reached far larger sizes. Nothing else needed. Not more light or even iron. I just stopped changing water.
Funny thing is? Fast is still not so fast I am removing extra Anubias or Bolbitis..but they are filling gaps like never before and Bolbitis leaves are getting longer and wider looking more like a houseplant fern by the day.
Just today I noticed that my C. balansae has reached a deeper green color then ever. Glossy too.
oOP! I forgot to mention that I also added that air pump to the powerheads venturi. So that churning of bubbles..might be also helping.
Anubias are one of the slowest growing plants I have experience with...wow! removing anubias means that it grows super fast!