Stan's freshwater 240 gallon extravaganza. Trials and tribulations of a sunlit aquarium

Divided the largest Java Fern into three. I also added Potassium as usual- it seems to always improve things. Maybe Friday make a part change of water along with a good filter cleaning. Only,I might keep the change down to 25% instead of the 40% or so I had been doing.
Ok..I broke down after near three weeks of no water change and just did a 30%, less than my usual 40-45% or so. Plants just like less water changes and it was still clear..but some tint. The Java ferns were one fern that I bought three years ago. Potassium was the difference on picking up growth speed and size over the last year.
Same for the row of Crypt. plant. Ditto for the mass of Cryptocoryne balansae. I bought one and now its dozens. Pearl weed is just going great guns. Nobody on gas or hi tech lights. Lately the Java trident fern has taken off also. Well,for a small slow grower..better than what I started with. They came in terrible condition,but Jacob at least sold them super can't complain.
If you can get "easy plants" to large and healthy sizes? You can be proud. I think the hobby over does it on the "easy" part. It's really not so easy.


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Should mention my Java moss was going great until I gave in to the temptation of Hydrogen Peroxide to spot treat for algae on other places- plants or glass. Sure enough my moss thinned..has browned as well. But like the last time,it comes back. It was like a Japanese garden before HP because it had spread over the substrate and grew up those wood sticks you see to the right in a nice dark green.
I haven't added fish since I bought two M. parva in the spring. The results are that now I would worry about adding more fish with no quarantine tank set up. Fish these days seem to be much more stressed and with worms and parasites much more than the old days. I'm thinking that added a couple dozen Danio's would add to the movement. Only if they are not only free of disease but I would need to grow them out a bit..they look like Rainbow fish (5'+) food at the sizes they are sold these days.
But,the less fish,the better the plant growth. We will see.
I was netting some algae that was near the back glass- behind the Pearlweed. As I did that I could feel the heavy mass of the plant and next thing I knew- it started to float, the whole 14" square plant. So I took the opportunity to move it father to the left..and then moved the Alternanthera from dead center to center in back. Where the sun hits it. I can say, the more the plants grow in combo with no large weekly water changes is working. Now. Every tank is unique. So don't take it as gospel. If it works, keep doing it.
My camera takes lousy Aquarium pictures. Oh boy.
Started up my old (1985 est.) 240 gallon after a decade empty in July 2018. Algae,blue green..dead plants,Hydrogen Peroxide as last resort caused a near total meltdown of large and small plants. I told LFS guy and he said Iron..all the plants guys tell him iron. Well,in late November I started and cause explosive growth in some plants and growth in the rest. Along with Syngonium roots after trying pre iron Alocasia African Mask,Tradescantia,Lemon grass even. Hypoestes also did well..then flowered and died back. With iron treatments...Syngonium is all I need now..its huge and deep green.
Now that days are longer and sunny? lights that go on at 8:30 am go off at 1pm as sun lights up the whole tank until 4pm or so...lights go back on until 6pm..the day is over for the lights. More to say on the history later.
As it looks today...View attachment 97608View attachment 97609
It’s terrific, Stan! 😍😍😍
I was netting some algae that was near the back glass- behind the Pearlweed. As I did that I could feel the heavy mass of the plant and next thing I knew- it started to float, the whole 14" square plant. So I took the opportunity to move it father to the left..and then moved the Alternanthera from dead center to center in back. Where the sun hits it. I can say, the more the plants grow in combo with no large weekly water changes is working. Now. Every tank is unique. So don't take it as gospel. If it works, keep doing it.
My camera takes lousy Aquarium pictures. Oh boy
My iPad takes lousy photo. Yours look fine to me
Thank you Jenny! I bought some Water Wisteria..I don't know why. I also am pretty sure I'm going to take out Kong Island rock you see in back. It fell over the other day and I thought it made the aquarium look less crowded. Anyways Jenny I did post that vid of the Fish doctor who said moving things around every now and then is good for the fish..makes things less monotonous-ha. Like moving furniture around at home I guess.
Kong island is gone and I pruned many plants back. Instead of a water change,I took the filter media out and gave it a decent washing out- and put it back in. So,how much longer to change water is up in the air. Winters clouds and short days is helping. But! When I had few plants to start? Even in winter I had algae problems galore. So,things are evolving into a much better balance. The plants seem to like less water changes. I still add potassium per week and iron every now and then.
The heater was once again plugged in. My fish room is cooler these days and as much as the ferns liked low 70's..the fish prefer 76-78F. Fish win.
If you can get "easy plants" to large and healthy sizes? You can be proud. I think the hobby over does it on the "easy" part. It's really not so easy.
My plants in my low tech tanks are overflowing large; just have to pick the right plants. Here is one tank:

Probably just need to do more water changes to get better growth. I do two a week; then again you might not think these plants are very large :(
Well,I'm not sure you need to change water twice a week..but what works,works. I'm pushing three weeks no water change..and it looks clear,no tint and plants are fine- better than ever.
I would never have guessed. I just decided that the water was clear last month or so and why make a big change? It could have gone bad too. I wanted to see and its been a big surprise. Maybe lo tech plant tanks can't handle nutrient loss with the big water changes?
A fish only tank- change the water. But when plants get going...ease off. At least for my aquarium by the window.
Well,I'm not sure you need to change water twice a week..but what works,works. I'm pushing three weeks no water change..and it looks clear,no tint and plants are fine- better than ever.
I would never have guessed. I just decided that the water was clear last month or so and why make a big change? It could have gone bad too. I wanted to see and its been a big surprise. Maybe lo tech plant tanks can't handle nutrient loss with the big water changes?
A fish only tank- change the water. But when plants get going...ease off. At least for my aquarium by the window.
Well this tank has been setup for 2 years and i have to throw away a mile of hornworth each week so it seems to be doing pretty well. It had dense plant growth but furan-2 killed a lot of it and it is just growing back... The plants didn't actually die just all the leaves.
I knew when I set this tank long as it's going? I will be tweaking things. At first it was types of fish,and now its with an air pump hooked up to the venturi on the 400 Powerhead. Its left over from my previous keeping and they don't make them anymore ( or the replacement magnet) so go with that for now. I think the extra aieration has been good for tank health,plant growth. Look at pro aquatic plant nursery growers..plants are grown emersed,no Co2 but what we all breath. So..if you can suck that atmospheric Co2 into your aquarium,how could that not be good?
I also have pruned plants more. You have to give the fish room to swim.
No water changes..but getting closer. My Alternanthera had a bad case of algae on the leaves and it was looking like a goner. With no water changes and less window light this time of year..its looking better by the day. Both changes have been nothing but good. I still add iron and potassium though.
I know one day and it could be soon,my fluorescent bulbs will go out. LFS- all of them,no longer sell 48" bulbs. I am a dinosaur. So that will be the next decision- LED or H.O.'s?
Are you aware you can still get 48 inch fluorescent tubes on Amazon on Ebay?
They are not aquarium type bulbs. Not the Pen Plax Gro Lux of old or even the Hagen that I have right now. There is a Sylvania "gro lux" and ..its just a red bulb. Rip off.

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