Square One!

Well ive painted the bakc of my tank, done my 'wet run'


and heres where my tank is residing, with the substrate, light and heater, awaiting for my filter, rock, plants and... AND water!



Looking good, you need more substrate in there though. ;)

Regarding the lighting, I have the same one's and I find you get better light spread if you turn the mount through 180degrees so that the screws are inside the tank. just a thought.
All the best, cubes are great fun to scape.
really? more substrate :eek: I did try the light like you suggested but i am actually using the screws t oweave my heater wire to make sure its kept out of view. Also because my filter and co2 canister will be behind the tank the plastic bit makes it impossible to hide the stuff!

Justa question- can i use a glass diffuser instead of the god dam ugly ladder?
you need more substrate at the front (unless you are laeving it open) as it will be hard t oplant any plants there. You can use a ceramic diffuser but this needs a lot of pressure and the cannister or tubing may crack or come off. a better option is to run it through the filter or a hydor diffuser that is similar but it doesnt need as high pressure

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The hydor would be unsightly in a tank this size. Aaron I use a daz chisel diffuser and I've never had a single problem with it ever. I recommend one of those whole heartedly.
Also, if you haven't already bought the filter get a hydor prime10 or the smallest fluval external filter and then use a external heater. It'd be one less item in the tank and the filter is lager and less likely to clog. I'm using a eden on a 11" cube and the heater in the tank and the small diameter of the edens pipes mean I'd not consider it for anything this large again, not from a high water flow/aesthetics stand point anyway.
Ive just bought a small 25w hydor heater so thats that problem sorted. Aaron how many plants do you suggst and what combination? Also could you suggest possible fish because im not too sure on which are suitable and the internet doesnt turn up anything worth while. How many fish aswell would i be looking at having in a tank this size?
Don't go for lampeyes, they're simply too active. If you want java fern use narrow it stays smallest and here's a good link of some nano fish. http://www.franksaquarium.com/nanofish.htm
sorry but whats a daz chisel diffuser? and do you have a link, never heard of it before :p
also im sort of going ot have to stick with eden mainly because aquaessentials are the only supplier who sell seriyu stone and i can buy my filter, rock and hemiathus callitroicheds and apply for free shipping so it is cheaper for me, after all being 15 my pay cheques are barely covering the price of all of this.
That's fair enough, thing is either the hydor prime or the fluval 105 are both available for less than an eden and are actually more suitable.
For your tank you probably wouldn't even need a full pot of HC, if you ask nicely a lot of people have it and will no doubt offer you some, I have some at the moment but not enough to send your way otherwise I would.

Here is the diffuser I use but I noticed you're not using pressurised co2 (something I just assumed you were) so it's less suitable as it may well clog.

If you're really reliant on free delivery get your rocks a diffuser and a set of cal aqua nano lily pipes. Save for a few weeks then get the hydor prime 10 from thelivingseas it works out at £39.50 or the fluval 105 for £44 posted. Then buy your hc if you haven't found any from a forum user from thegreenmachine the quality of their plants is much higher than AE's from my experiance.
It's better to take your time and get things right than rush and end up with a horrible algae jungle.
Thank you very much for your help sir, it is appreciated! Infact I wouldn't mind using green machine again, used them for my ADA amazonian II soil, brilliant service :) I suppose patience pays out eventually at the nicer equiptment essentially the nicer the tank!
Any time mate, come join us over at ukaps. You'll get even more help there.
I can tell this tank is going to be good.
My plants from the Green Machine arrived in fantastic condition, and are great quality plants! Great service too, they were out of stock on some of my plants, phoned me up, plants came the next day and the out of stock ones came two days later! I even changed my order because i found I'd ordered too much of one plant, and they sent me something else instead, even giving me a bit of money off! I'd definately use them again.


bought the dennerle corner filter as opposed to an external filter. Just seemd more practical and hte back is going to be heavily planted so you wont see it :D

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