Split Tail


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Central Virginia, USA
Picked up a handsome VT last night at Wal-Mart. He was very lively, and I felt the need to save him from his little cup, especially considering how dirty the water was. So he's in a half gallon bowl right now with a little Betta Max just in case, until I move him to a larger one.

He reminds me of an Apache, with quite a bit of purple/lavendar in him. And the only "injury" I see is his caudal fin appears split about an inch, but not all the way through to the end. I'm thinking it will eventually grow out, but I'm not sure.


yea, my female had a slit like that, it was growing back until she had to go and get into another fight :D as long as its not all the way to the body he will be fine. use salt in hi water to prevent infection ;)
He'll be fine, just keep his water pristine and add some aquarium salt when need be. Best wishes! :thumbs:
most of the splits on my bettas are spontaneous.. and they spontaneously heal by themselves too! so i wouldn't worry. if you really really want to, you can always add bettafix to enhance the healing process. :)

post some pics of your new betta!!! i'm sure he's gorgeous!!! :wub:
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm sure he'll be just fine.

As soon as he's out of the BettaMax (later this week), I'm taking photos. He's the most interesting color and markings. But he's very shy.....


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