K konrad05 Fish Addict Joined Apr 13, 2004 Messages 847 Reaction score 0 Location Toronto, ON May 5, 2004 #1 Hey, does anybody know what species of fish is in this picture(posted), right underneath the word "Around", it looks kinda of like a redtail loach, but different skin. Thanks.
Hey, does anybody know what species of fish is in this picture(posted), right underneath the word "Around", it looks kinda of like a redtail loach, but different skin. Thanks.
G G_Sharky Fish Herder Joined Jan 30, 2004 Messages 1,502 Reaction score 0 Location toronto May 5, 2004 #2 Kuhli loach it think....not sure but it's a definetely a loach species...
smithrc My names Russell.... ....and I'm a Joined Apr 13, 2004 Messages 6,146 Reaction score 1 Location Milton Keynes - UK May 5, 2004 #3 not kholi...
OP OP K konrad05 Fish Addict Joined Apr 13, 2004 Messages 847 Reaction score 0 Location Toronto, ON May 5, 2004 #4 thanks for replying, but I finally found out the name, it's a Batik Loach - Neomacheilus triangularis. Hope my LFS can order some for me.
thanks for replying, but I finally found out the name, it's a Batik Loach - Neomacheilus triangularis. Hope my LFS can order some for me.
S silver Fish Gatherer Joined May 23, 2003 Messages 2,240 Reaction score 2 Location Washington State May 6, 2004 #5 Hee hee.....that's my banner..... ) They are Suemack's loaches.......one is a zebra.......and I know FreshMike calls one "The Dude" other than that info........
Hee hee.....that's my banner..... ) They are Suemack's loaches.......one is a zebra.......and I know FreshMike calls one "The Dude" other than that info........
M Mesome Fish Crazy Joined Mar 26, 2004 Messages 265 Reaction score 0 Location Washington State May 6, 2004 #6 8) Nice banner Silver! 8)