Spawning Attempts Diary

No probs Josh....I just sooo glad you got some babies :good:

Once the tank is ready that you're going to put them in.....I would start adding really small amounts of water from it to the tub first to acclimatize the little ones before putting them in and make sure the water isn't too deep. About 5" will be fine.

Can't wait for some pics if you manage to get any.
:) yeah me too!

Their first move will be to a 3gal bare bottomed tank, there's probably going to be a small number of fry so I think it'll be easier to keep an eye on them and feed in a smaller tank while they're so young, agree? obviously I'll move them up to a larger growout or seperated if needed later on, which ever comes first!

as good as my N96 camera is, it's decided to show the tiiiny little guy (its a he btw :p) that i chose to photograph as a black smudge :p I'll steal my girlfriends cam i lovingly bought her for xmas later (buying it means I get to use it too right :D??) and try to get a better piccy!

For now, I introduce one of the newest members of the family little 'Smudge' :)

btw the carpet is under the tank which the tubs in, just looks like its out on the carpet from the pic :good:
Hi little Smudge and welcome to the Betta forum :lol:

3 gal will be fine for now as there are so few and as you say, it will be easier to keep an eye on them.

Your girlfriend should let you have use of the camera.....I let Bronze use mine that he bought me :lol: 4gal is not enough for a growout. 4 gal is big enough for one adult male but certainly not a group of growing juvies.
Haha! its great and it only gets better from here! it is normal for them not to move much but when yours start free swimming in a day or two you'll be watching them dart about !! I fed my babies BBS from the word go but I think the eel etc are way more predictable and easy to keep. I found mine would eat Hikari first bites after a couple of weeks, which was a relief as I could make sure I always had food.
and the larger pet store are selling frozen formaly live foods, i start off with baby brine shrimp, but if u have the ells ready do them. after the first week or 2 ur fru should be big ebough to eat baby brine shrimp, with the frozen packs i just saw a little off a cube and swirl it in some warm tank water, then swish it threw the tank, they live better but the swish makes them think its moving, cause some stubborn little bugger wont eat flake or pelets for a while
So sorry to hear your news Josh.....but don't be put off. This kind of things happens sometimes whether it's your first spawn or your 20th!!!! We all have spawns that go wrong sometimes and the fry don't survive, but it's still very disappointing when it does happen :sad:
Sry to hear about your loss josh keep ya head up and try it again u'll have more of an idea about it all now aswell i bet.
Oh Im sorry Josh but like Netty said it does happen and it is sad but you just have to keep trying and then one day you'll have more on your hands than you can manage just keep positive
yep my first 3 spawns dad ither ate them or they didnt make it a week, then all the sudden it was like bam!!! and i had tons of fry!!! so keep tryin :good:
yep my first 3 spawns dad ither ate them or they didnt make it a week, then all the sudden it was like bam!!! and i had tons of fry!!! so keep tryin :good:
my little guys are a week today, im glad they made it to a week i think thats the most daunting part just gettting through that first week
Thanks guys :) It was dissapointing ofc :( but I wont let it put me off, I'll try again with a pair I actually pick out this time in a couple of weeks I think :good: Thanks for all you help through this thread :)

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