Spawning Attempts Diary

Bear with it abit longer. It's quite normal for the male to go for the female like that. The platinum girl that we just spawned was returned to us as it was thought she was a he because of her huge flare and aggressive behaviour. She's now a proud Mum :good:
Alright then, just worried me the poor girl would get beat too badly :( don't get excited now Netty, you aren't having her back, him or not, shes wicked :wub:

LOL......funny you should say that. Was just checking on multimap to see if we could make it up to you for a collection :p
OMG you'll never guess whats happening, just come home to find the cambo girl has somehow gotten over the divider!! shes currently wrapping with Bolt :eek: :eek: :eek: theres no nest and I think shes swimming down to eat the eggs :( :( what can i dooo???
OMG you'll never guess whats happening, just come home to find the cambo girl has somehow gotten over the divider!! shes currently wrapping with Bolt :eek: :eek: :eek: theres no nest and I think shes swimming down to eat the eggs :( :( what can i dooo???

Is this a completely different pair? how funny thats what happend to me last time, well if they arent the pair you want then let her eat the eggs its fine then remove her and you wont have any fry, did you want fry off these 2?
Yeah I wouldnt mind the fry! yea totally different pair that got through the divider lol! Im trying to syphon eggs into a container as they fall, lots getting eaten though lol
Yeah I wouldnt mind the fry! yea totally different pair that got through the divider lol! Im trying to syphon eggs into a container as they fall, lots getting eaten though lol

Ok well syphon them into a tub then and keep the water level shallow probably about an inch that you can keep warm but careful of condensation or they will turn yellow and be no good, There is no nest at all for the eggs? if this is the case then syphoning is the best shot you have really, I have heard of people using a fine mesh floating on top of the water of their tub (with the 2 inches) and then syphoning the eggs onto that, so the eggs are on water level and the fry can escape through the holes in the mesh when they hatch, Personally I havent tried this but intend to next time I have a spawn going, Netty hasnt tried it either to my knowledge so you could give it a crack if you wanted?
Hey Tilly :) thanks for the help! I've got a fair few eggs so far :) the only fine mesh that I really have is a fine meshed net..this could be a little too fine though?
Lol....I told you they do what they want when they want!!!!

Sorry I couldn't come on earlier....had to go to work for a couple of hours so missed your shouting at me lol

Tilly has already given you good advice which is what I would do. Haven't tried the mesh trick before but it may work. As already said try to keep condensation down....I've had alot of eggs go furry in the last couple of weeks.

And then pop a little strip of plastic along the top of the divider so she can't do it again :good:
Lol....I told you they do what they want when they want!!!!

Sorry I couldn't come on earlier....had to go to work for a couple of hours so missed your shouting at me lol

Tilly has already given you good advice which is what I would do. Haven't tried the mesh trick before but it may work. As already said try to keep condensation down....I've had alot of eggs go furry in the last couple of weeks.

And then pop a little strip of plastic along the top of the divider so she can't do it again :good:

i think the net mesh if its the white kind thats very thin is too small, a needle should be able to pass through the holes, is how I understand it but only having seen the wrigglers myself can I now understand the kind of mesh required if that makes sense!

- Thanks Netty, learnt from the best :nod:
Yeah thanks again Tilly :) No worries Netty as you say I was in good hands :D

I've put an airstone in one corner of the tub, I figured it may help get some water movement and prevent funguss? Seen it done with other eggs this ok with betta eggs?

I either had the net mesh or I came across a media bag which i tried but was a little big and the eggs fell through :( I'll just cross my fingers and hope I get some hatching :D Yeah I'm going to redo the divider ofc!

It was magical to watch, I was so excited lol as you may have guessed :p

Thanks :)
Common Josh.....I've been waiting patiently for hours for an update :p



That's the rock they decided to use instead of a nest :lol:

Sorry for slow replying lol, downloading 6gb of stuff on my comp downstairs and cbb to get up and pause it to upload!

Yay or nay to airstone then?

Is it normal for the eggs to be all different sizes btw? some are literally twice the size of others lol
Awwww look at all the little eggs......go Bolt....knew you had it in you :lol:

We've never used an airstone before. It might work as long as the eggs are in the opposite corner and the airstone only bubbles not enough to move the eggs.

The eggs are usually different sizes. Just a waiting game now to see if any hatch. My last lot just had the one hatch and yet we've also had around 70 tub hatch before.

Fingers crossed :good:

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