Spawning Attempts Diary


Fish Crazy
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Just Outside Cardiff, Wales
I've now got a total of 7 bettas, so selecting fish to spawn from has been quite difficult to decide lol :p I've decided to go with Ivory -

And a butterfly girl -

They've been together in the tank all day, the girl in the chimney, ivorys been parading around etc, come home tonight and no bubble idea why as he'd just built one the other night when on his own!!

My only worry is, could she be a he lol? I'm going to release them for an hour after I feed them now, then put her back in for the night to try and prompt him to get building, should I leave a light on through the night for them?

Expect regular updates and photos as they progress :) :good:


P.S. as you can see, he has three options of nesting sites lol, floating plants, half a cup and the nearest thing I had to bubblewrap lol! He'll probably do as he did last time and choose the open side of the tank :lol:
Hi Josh

Pretty sure she is a she looking at body shape. Is she getting fat at all? Just keep an eye on them when you let them out :good:

My last spawn was with the siblings of your guys, went well. The female chased him around with massive flare :crazy: , But she eventually calmed down.

Sorry, one more thing i noticed, try cutting down the poly cup a bit more to get it lower to the water :good:
Yeah she has a nice round belly, it's just a thought that crossed my mind as to why he may not have built a nest lol, they're loose now so I'm watching as I type, its all pretty calm, just a little bot pf chasing so far...only been 10 mins mind :crazy:

Point taken about the cup, I'll chop it down, guess they dont like a tent above their heads then :lol:
This is the size of belly your girl should have. Also try to cover the top with something, even if it's just clingfilm for now with a few holes in. This will help to keep his nest together once he starts building.

This is the size of belly your girl should have. Also try to cover the top with something, even if it's just clingfilm for now with a few holes in. This will help to keep his nest together once he starts building.

Thanks Netty, Here's a pic of her belly, best I could get lol, the pic i posted is the day she arrived -



yeah the tank is covered, currently half with cover glass and half with a storage box lid :lol: Thought id remove it for the pic :p cup is cut down now too :good:
This morning we have a nest..a rubbish one, but a nest all the same :lol:

They're back together for another couple of hours after being fed now!
Well it's a start however small :lol: Give him abit more time and I'm sure he'll keep working at it :good:
Good luck with the spawning i'm trying to spawn my betta's at the moment but my male betta thor doesnt understand this building a bubblenest thing yet. He built 1 b4 but now has a small amount of bubbles going all around the outside and even on the chimney now :) i'm sure he'll get it in the end
She's back in the chimney now and just had another helping of bloodworms, shes a little ragged but all ok apart from that, I'll try and release her again tonight or tomorrow morning, hope he'll build more of his nest now lol!

Good luck Chad :)
Could she be a he??? I'm starting to think this now...although IT lol has a white spot between the ventrils(?) the flare is a full beard, and doesnt show any willingness to breed at the moment lol :S maybe this could be why Ivorys not really bothered with a nest? I'm so confused :(
Don't think the pair will work, she/he/it was pointing nose down against the silicone in a corner and ivory came and bit its head lol, taken her out now for recovery, I think things were going to turn worse not better at that stage :( :-( :sad:
Bear with it abit longer. It's quite normal for the male to go for the female like that. The platinum girl that we just spawned was returned to us as it was thought she was a he because of her huge flare and aggressive behaviour. She's now a proud Mum :good:
Bear with it abit longer. It's quite normal for the male to go for the female like that. The platinum girl that we just spawned was returned to us as it was thought she was a he because of her huge flare and aggressive behaviour. She's now a proud Mum :good:
Alright then, just worried me the poor girl would get beat too badly :( don't get excited now Netty, you aren't having her back, him or not, shes wicked :wub:
if they get along well when together then try this.........

leave her out of the tank while he builds the nest put her in a jar or beta tank beside his so he can see she is still around the males tend to build the nest much bigger when they are in the tank on their own and can see the females once u are happy with the size of the nest use part of a polystyrene box or lid it needs to be thick enough for it to hold the nest properly in place and he wont distroy it after so place her in the tank with him and leave them be for a hour or so u will now if they have bred as she will look like he has seriously injured her lol
after breeding all different types of beta's ive found this way the most eaisest way for myself and i hope it will help u as well
if they get along well when together then try this.........

leave her out of the tank while he builds the nest put her in a jar or beta tank beside his so he can see she is still around the males tend to build the nest much bigger when they are in the tank on their own and can see the females once u are happy with the size of the nest use part of a polystyrene box or lid it needs to be thick enough for it to hold the nest properly in place and he wont distroy it after so place her in the tank with him and leave them be for a hour or so u will now if they have bred as she will look like he has seriously injured her lol
after breeding all different types of beta's ive found this way the most eaisest way for myself and i hope it will help u as well

Hi Skittz

I think you'll find Josh has done just about all you've said :good: The only thing i would say is that males sometimes wont even start building their nests until the female is released, and the nest doesn't have to be huge to hold lots of eggs. I would like to say, that if the female is getting "seriously injured" she should have been removed before that happens. The indication that you know they have finished spawning, is that the female will be chased away from the nest. She will be hiding on the other side of the tank and any attempt by her to swim closer to the nest, will result in her being attacked. Thats when the really bad injuries can occur. We have had pairs that have started spawning very quick upon release, but others that have been left together for upto 48hrs. Once the spawning starts it can, and normally takes a few hours to complete :good:

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