Spawn Log 11.28.05

Well, the work isn't all that hard. I think the harder part of the job, well the fish take care of that :nod:

The saddest part is realizing that in the past month you were the cause of the death of 150+ betta fry... :-(

Well, it is a hobby. It would not be very interesting if it were very easy. If one day I really learn how to do this well, making it a part time business would not be bad.

Me, I love these little fish. Am stuck with them for life. And the more activities I do with them, the happier I am.

Redbetta... well, we will get there, or we will both keep on trying. GRIT your teeth and say I shall never surrender... (it comes out as somehting like AHHH SHAWWW NEEVEEE SUURRREEENDDDEEEHHHH with teeth locked tight) :lol:

The only thing I get really irked about are wuv's "accidents" :crazy: ... IT NOT FAIR :lol:
Me, I love these little fish. Am stuck with them for life. And the more activities I do with them, the happier I am.
That rings so true for me too, well said :nod:
The only thing I get really irked about are wuv's "accidents" ... IT NOT FAIR
Hey now...hey now!! I can't help it, I am one with the bettas, we are each others destiny :angel:

Seriously though, I'm not sure if you're a person of faith, but I am thankful for all of my spawns, I always ask for assistance and a "blessed spawn", and when I look in the tank at itty bitty babies I'm overcome with joy and praise at how beautiful & perfect they are, life is amazing, especially when it happens right before your eyes. Keep your chin up, ral :nod: It'll happen!
Hey now...hey now!! I can't help it, I am one with the bettas, we are each others destiny
:blink: :X :alien: :lol:

As for the rest, it is good to give thanks when good things happen.
Ral, you're so right, we will never surrender. I shall try again in January most likely
Well, it is a hobby. It would not be very interesting if it were very easy.
Very true.. That's what makes it a hobby. :)

If one day I really learn how to do this well, making it a part time business would not be bad.
Same here...

Oh, I would not worry about that too much... I think you will be successful... those Texan spawned Betta's seem to be a though bunch. Watch out the the female Texan's though, they are likely to give the male a whooping :D
LOL, yeah these Texas bettas sure are tough.. I wonder what they got in their water? :sly: Maybe Wuv and Synirr can shed some light on what Texas water has that everyone else's water doesn't. :lol:
I think my current spawn will be successful. The way I look at it, is that now that they are almost a month old and I haven't had any babies die since week 2-3, they ought to be fine from here on out. :nod:
I hope that you'll have a good successful spawn here soon. :D
LOL, yeah these Texas bettas sure are tough.. I wonder what they got in their water? :sly: Maybe Wuv and Synirr can shed some light on what Texas water has that everyone else's water doesn't. :lol:
Personally, I think part of it is because neither I nor Wuv baby them when it comes to water temp. I know mine that lived in the storage room must have gotten quite a shock during every single water change, since it was during the summer and their water would normally be in the high 80s, then I'd refill them straight out of the water hose and it would be in the mid 70s :blink:. I actually hadn't bothered to check the temp of the hose water when I first started using it so I didn't even know about it for a week or two, but it never seemed to even phase them so I just figured it was ok :shrug:
I agree with that^ I like to let mine fluctuate, I think it's good for them. They live in room temp from the day they're born and I *know* my summer fry went through huge fluctuations the way my hubby and I manipulate the thermostat while the other isn't looking. My house goes through 5 degree changes all day long. And at night they get the typical lower nightime temps, which I think is closer to nature.

It's been pretty darn cold here recently and my fish are absolutely fine. Last week we had a hot spell and it was up to 89 outside...84-85 IN my house and the fish looked miserable and pouty. I wanted to run the AC but....errm,it's December and that doesn't seem right, but as soon as the temp dropped again the fish were happy as can be. The other day we had a 40-50 degree temp drop in one day and I *know* the fish felt it, but it didn't bother them at all. I've noticed the wilds have taken to hiding under the leaf litter, which I would imagine is natural to them when cooler temps arrive. But they're in full color and they still come out to eat.
I've never seen ich or a fungus (touch wood) or fin rot or anything like that in my fish room, and I do believe that overheating with no chance of a night time cool down is to blame for those sorts of things. Right now my fish room water probably sits between 74-76'ish.

With that said- Texas water, here in the city especially, is pretty gross. The nitrites and nitrates out of the tap are outrageous. Maybe the bettas like that too? :lol:
I have to apologize... I was mistaken SandyMushCowgirl... I thought you were from Texas too... I figured that anyone with a handle like SandyMushCowgirl must be from Texas. Than I realized you are from N.C. He he, yes they do have cowboys and cowgirls in states other than Texas :*)

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