Spawn But No Eggs Or Are They Just So Tiny My Eyes Can't See Em?

They hatched yesterday? you won't need to feed them until tomorrow or the next day, when they're free swimming around on their own in this -- position, until then the bbs will just be a waste and it will foul your water quickly.

Staying near the bottom? Is he looking at the bottom of the tank extremely closely? He might just be looking for fry. If he's lying around on the bottom- that indicates that he is done, tired and getting fed up/lazy on ya. That's one of the reasons why conditioning is so important, to keep them going non-stop for days.

Yeah he seems tired. I just spotted another fry. They spawned the eggs Tuesday at 3 pm. And I started notinc Wed night I believe it was. They're swimming horizontily on the top of the tank. The weird part is using the betta growth chart they look most like the 1 week old bettas, which doesn't make any sense to me. They have those tiny tails ><
Well, either way, if he's not doing his job it is probably safe to pull him as he's clearly not doing anything for the fry.
And I being a newbie shouldn't chastize the Moderator, of the betta forum, who knows more about bettas, and breeding them, then any of us here combined.

Wuv knows what she's talking about..and she's correct in her deduction that this was probably an over zealous spawn...that was my first thought as well (and I'm most sure others are thinking it as well). Putting 2 fish of different sexes together is like putting a male and female dog, that aren't fixed, aren't going to have only 2 for very long, it's just common sense.

I do agree with her opinions, and i can see she is very knowlegable. But i was not critisising her advice or opinion, i totaly agree with it. Its just the way she was so openly annoyed about the spawn especially with a newbie, who may not know the first thing about bettas, and that could be why the spawn has happened. but as a moderator she is here to be moderating and not saying things which could trigger arguments.
I dont think her being a moderator should make her any different from anyone else, newbie or not. We are all people and she should be the one setting the example on the forum. And as for me being a newbie, does that just take my rights of an opinion away? You didnt exactly read my post very well.. as i wouldnt have had to sit here typing all this.

Quote wuvmybetta: "Lucy, I understand your concern, but I'm not sorry There is no way in heck that I would just plop a male and female together because there was no where else for the girl to go. I would have her swimming in my coffee pot before I put her with a male. I've seen what they *can* do to each other. Just my two cents"

Wuvmybetta, i know, neither would i, but that wasnt what i was saying, as iv said above, your post just showed little patience and a lack of respect for this person, who obviously is not a pro or anything! but you must have started somewhere, and you wouldnt have wanted someone talking to you like that when you were eager to learn after making a mistake. I know i started the hobby with two common goldfish in a 1 gallon bowl! but on another forum where i am a regular full member they were patient and helpfull with me, if they had posted anything like you did, it would have scared me away and those fish probably would have died.

Anyway, i dont mean this to be an argument, im just trying to make my point here and have it listened to despite the fact im a 'newbie'.
sooo eer, no hard feelings wuvmybetta? :look:
To retort~ Had the OP joined with this problem, I believe I would have been more understanding- or at least looked the other way. But that is clearly not the case as I look at the join date and realize that he had a wealth of information at his fingertips before putting the fish together.

I appreciate Ogrt's patience with me, and I'm trying to be patient as well. Stick around here for a few years and you'll be able to call them as you see them too.
We are all people and she should be the one setting the example on the forum.
And my example is this- if you see someone putting a fish in a tricky spot/dangerous position, by all means call them on it. Had a topic been posted that said "My females bowl broke! Should I put her with my male?"- I'm willing to bet money that 99% of the replies would have been no.

With that said, and to bring it back on topic, I can see that he's trying his best to make sure these fry survive, and I think thats great and all that good stuff, but I cannot applaud frivolous fish care, and I won't. He is,however, getting the help he needs here,and does seem serious about raising the fry, which I'm pleased to hear.
Don't get me wrong with some of my other comments guys. I really am thankful for everyones help, including wuvmybetta's. I understand where shes coming from, fish really is just a new animal to me really. I'm used to dogs and cats and would defend them again people just like she does bettas. Some day I'll be like that too with bettas, I just need to know more about them first.

Anyways, I took the male out and he's in a 1 gal I recieved right now. He's swiming around and even made a tiny bubble nest. I tossed in some live Brine Shrimp for him. He doesn't seem to want to eat them. My female loves them though. If he doesn't eat it soon I'll try giving him his normal flakes.
just a quick note - are you hatching your brine shrimp in salt water?
If so you'll need to rinse them before tossing them in...This is a lesson i just learned when one of my fry seemed to retain some water. It looked like a balloon belly.
So, now that the males out and you've had a good look- how many are you seeing?
I have trouble seeing these tiny things, right now I could only find one but a few hours ago I saw atleast 4. They're probablythere and I just can't find them.
Nerh, I put the bbs in the tank about an hour ago. The few fry I can see are just sticking around the edges of the tank and ignoring the bbs.
If they're still sticking, they'll have no interest in food just yet. Most likely tomorrow. So when you see a cluster of bbs-suck them out so they don't foul your water when they die in a couple hours. Shine a light in the tank and they'll all gather for you.

If you want some microworms, PM me and I'll send you a culture.
If they're still sticking, they'll have no interest in food just yet. Most likely tomorrow. So when you see a cluster of bbs-suck them out so they don't foul your water when they die in a couple hours. Shine a light in the tank and they'll all gather for you.

If you want some microworms, PM me and I'll send you a culture.
Thanks, they're not actually sticking to the tank. They stay maybe half an inch from it and swim in all directions, up, down, left, right all around ^_^ They just dont wanna adventure any further from that.

Ah yay, right now I see exactly 5 fry, one of them was coming from the group of bbs. =) I just hope these 5 guys or so survive. Theres a good chance theres more that I just don't see yet, either way, we're all probably better off that it's only a small spawn this time.
You'll be able to tell if they're eating by looking at their bellies, they should bne orang'ish if they're taking the brine :nod: At this point in time it only takes one shrimp to fill them up, they'll get over that in a couple of days :lol:

ETA~ They're great hiders. I've guesstimated spawns at being maybe 30'ish...and wound up with over a hundred, theres probably more in there. But, I've had spawns with only 5 or 6 fry and those are fun,too! Not nearly as strenuous.
Yeahh this is fun but not really made to do in my bedroom of an apartment.. I read to keep a light on by the tank during the nights for the dad to be able to see falling eggs and stuff.. So I did that for 3 nights.. Then hatching bbs with another light on my dresser in my bedroom.. hard to sleep >< haha
Yes,well, this is just the beginning of your personal sacrifices. Just consider yourself a slave to the betta for the next 3-4 months :*

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