Spawn But No Eggs Or Are They Just So Tiny My Eyes Can't See Em?

Since you're not really ready for all of this- I'd just leave him alone already :S If he's minding his kids, just let him do his business. I'm guessing that the constant peeking may have already spooked him. IMO, they're just as well off with him as they would be without him.
Since you're not really ready for all of this- I'd just leave him alone already :S If he's minding his kids, just let him do his business. I'm guessing that the constant peeking may have already spooked him. IMO, they're just as well off with him as they would be without him.

Just as well with them? The entire time? Every single post on this forum and every guide has said to never just leave the father in with the babies or he'll eat them.
And I'm not just peeking in, his tank in on the bookshelf in my bedroom next to my pc. He sees me ALL DAY when i'm home, every day. :D
Every single one says to remove him as soon as they start hatching?! Link me up please, because as I recollect the typical move is to leave him until they're free swimming, which should be in just about two or three days. Unless he's an egg eater of course, but if you're not looking,or sure what to look for- there really is no way to tell of that for sure, now is there?
Other folks on this board have left the father with the fry for up to and over a month, care to shine some light on that then?
Point is, without dad there is no one to catch them when they're falling. I think if you took him out right this moment the fry would have a lesser chance of surviving.
And yes, I understand the "He see's me etc" but right now he's fathering and he sees you as an intruder, despite what you may believe. To sound cliche...don't count your fry before they're swimming.

Overall, I'm just trying to offer my opinion. Do what you like. My questions are rhetorical, so no need to answer them. Good luck to your fry...
I would go with wuvmybetta on that one since shes like the queen of the betta fry. She has tons of experience with the betta babies. I dont have any so I cant offer much advice only to take in wuvs oppinion. Well it seems that they are hatching so hopefully some or all will survive. Good Luck On The Rest Of The Journey.
At least leave him in as long as possible. The fry get exhausted scurrying up and down by themselves, then they just lay and die, sometimes some make it though, so if you decide to remove him early be sure to lower the water as much as you can.

Please understand that I've seen many "accidental spawns" amongst newer members with less than well thought out pairs, and after so many it is hard to believe they're not just over zealous spawnings. I do understand that accidents happen, I've even had it happen before in a sibling tank. But I can't help but wonder where you plan to move the male to when you pull him out, and it makes me wonder why you didn't put the female in that chosen location when her bowl broke in the first place. There's many things around the house that can temporarily house a betta, just about anythings better than subjecting them to each other where they can spawn, or worse- hurt each other. I just can't buy it,sorry. =/

Aside from my feelings though, your fry are here and I wish you the best. Raising betta fry is a lot of work, I hope you've been reading =)
Oh believe me, now that I have them I'll be doing my best to care of them ofcourse. The few fry I've seen, they don't swim up and down, they're little dots with tiny tiny tails and they dart across the top of the water very quickly. They're smaller than tiny bubbles o.o
Since I'll be keeping in the male in for awhile atleast it seems, when should I start dropping some flakes in for him to eat? I dont want him getting too hungry..
Personally I keep up regular meals with my males while they are in the spawning tank, before and after actual spawning takes place. I have had no indications that this promotes him to eat his fry. He knows the difference between a tasty bloodworm and his babies.

If you were unprepared for this spawning then I presume the male was not conditioned so he could get very tired and hungry. I had a similar situation last year so decided to start feeding the male a couple of days in and he was very grateful :D

Good luck with your fry
wuvmybetta, i think you are being a bit harsh,:/ the advice is all great but the rude rhetorical questions, i dont think they were needed, you are more likely to get a newbie to listen to you and your opinions if you are patient and polite with them.
And I being a newbie shouldn't chastize the Moderator, of the betta forum, who knows more about bettas, and breeding them, then any of us here combined.

Wuv knows what she's talking about..and she's correct in her deduction that this was probably an over zealous spawn...that was my first thought as well (and I'm most sure others are thinking it as well). Putting 2 fish of different sexes together is like putting a male and female dog, that aren't fixed, aren't going to have only 2 for very long, it's just common sense.
I still only see just afew on the water and the big bubble nest is gone, theres just tons of small nests now, does this mean it failed? =[
Not necessarily, they often cling to the underfolds of leaves and whatnot. I notice you said "throw in some flakes", if dry flakes are the primary food source of your fish- then I would not be surprised at all if he ate them. So meaty and wiggly....*drool*
But he might not have. If it makes you feel better to remove him- go for it. Now is better than yesterday, and tonight is better than now.

Just understand that if he does eat them, it may have been the best thing for both of ya's, as cold as that may sound. And if he leaves you with only a dozen or so- consider it a favor from him to you.

Lucy, I understand your concern, but I'm not sorry ;) There is no way in heck that I would just plop a male and female together because there was no where else for the girl to go. I would have her swimming in my coffee pot before I put her with a male. I've seen what they *can* do to each other. Just my two cents :)
When do you think its time to start dumping in some baby prine shrimp? I finished hatching a batch yesterday and another batch should be hatching today.
I noticed the betta is staying near the bottom now for some reason.
They hatched yesterday? you won't need to feed them until tomorrow or the next day, when they're free swimming around on their own in this -- position, until then the bbs will just be a waste and it will foul your water quickly.

Staying near the bottom? Is he looking at the bottom of the tank extremely closely? He might just be looking for fry. If he's lying around on the bottom- that indicates that he is done, tired and getting fed up/lazy on ya. That's one of the reasons why conditioning is so important, to keep them going non-stop for days.

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