Spawn But No Eggs Or Are They Just So Tiny My Eyes Can't See Em?

Ok, I've heard different things about the baby food. Is it brine shrimp eggs or baby brine shrimp? I'm hoping it little brine shrimps like the pet store told me, thats all they had so i picked up a bag of them for $2.69 theyre so tiny and cool looking
I can't believe that I try so many times for my bettas to breed and yours do it right away! And several times!!!! Sheesh! :grr:

Congrats on the new babies!!! :D And your "horney" bettas are purdy! :fun:
haha thanks, the male is pretty...the female isn't that pretty but shes sweet =)

Ah, I went to another petland and this lady new what she was talking about it seemed. She showed me a vial which contains "brine shrimp eggs" it says theyre easy to hatch too :p
Ingredients "100% brine shrimp eggs" net wt 6gm. I hope these are fine, she didn't charge me the $4 for em since the other petland sold me the wrong things. She let me keep my lot of live brine shrimp... I have no idea what i'm gonna do with those o.o
Feed them to your adults. Then start reading about how to hatch brine eggs. I believe theres a pin somewhere.
I gave my female betta a teaspoon worth of the live brine shrimp. She acted like she was in heaven. My adf loved them too o.o
I might try hatching a few of the eggs but not many, i need to feed the eggs to the fry when they hatch.
yea i think you gotta put the eggs in water and they will hatch in a day or so.. they will be VERY tiny, thats why you feed them to the fry coz the fry are VERY tiny :D
im glad everything is going well for you so far..
im just doing my reading up on how to breed them and everything and hopefully trying a spawn in a week or two :hyper: im excited!!!
I dunno whats going on in my tank but it looks like the nest is starting to rain eggs? The betta is going insane catching things and blowing them back up into the nest.. its just that whatever it is its too tiny for me to see ><
YAY!!!! those are fry hatching!!!! this is so cool getting to hear every stage of it!!! :D
oh by the way dont feed the male at all as he may decide to eat the fry..
he will run about putting fry back in the nest for about three days i think, then when they become free swimming he will need removing and the fry need to be put into a grow out tank, this could be a problem.. do you have any tanks spare? preferably 2 ft?
No I don't >.< I only have this 10 gal, I put my female in with an adf in a 1 gal.. its all I have.. I don't know what I'll put the dad in =\ I'm gonna ask my roommates when they get home if they have anything..
Any is it normal to not be able to see the baby fry this young? My eyes aren't even bad but i just can't see em ><
heres two pics of him and his nest I just took

hey. if you want some microworms, i can send you some. i've got a nice culture going and don't mind sending some out to you. if you want to read up on them, you can at my site i don't sell them from that's just information. please PM me with your address if you want some free microworms sent so you can feed your baby bettas!

Just to clarify, you do not feed the babies those eggs without hatching them first. The shells will tear their little stomachs up if they do eat them, and they aren't likely to eat anything that doesn't move anyway. Here's a guide on how to hatch the eggs, complete with pics. If you're short on tanks, go pick up some cheap tupperware bins. You can get some perfect fish homes for very cheap that way :). My first spawn had nearly 200 babies, and most of them were raised in 15-20 gallon plastic tubs.

If you plan to raise these fry, you're gonna need to do more research. They need to be fed live food AT LEAST 3 times a day, and beginning when they are 1 week old, should have daily 75% water changes. When the males are old enough to become aggressive, they have to be housed in individual containers (again, tupperware is a lifesaver here). Just, you know... research and think about it. It's a big job.
I already have some in a container of about half gal mixed with some non iodized salt going. they're under a lamp with a bubbler in there. The guide I read said nothing about baking soda... should these still be ok?
I already have some in a container of about half gal mixed with some non iodized salt going. they're under a lamp with a bubbler in there. The guide I read said nothing about baking soda... should these still be ok?
It depends on what the pH of your tap water is. If it's low you're not going to get very many to hatch out. They hatch best at a pH of about 8, so I have to add baking soda to my hatcheries since my tap is about 6.8
Ah ok, I didn't add that many eggs into for the first try anyways, maybe half a tea spoon which is actually a lot of eggs once they seperate in the water o.o
I'll get some baking soda and retry in a day

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