The tank looks great! All the plants look healthy and filled out. I especially like the Echinodorus species (?) and the one on the left works great with its darker brown which contrasts well to the rest of the tank.
well if you didnt see my hydor bashing post last week you wont know that my hydor co2 system dumped aload of co2 into my tank killing all of my green neon tetras, thank god finleys a surface breather other wise he'll be dead to.
anyway i went to my lfs today a brought myself a new reg, refillable bottle, nrv, night shut off valve, and better co2 tube. credit card as smoking but hay its gotta work betta then that hydor system
now some update pictures
oh and my old nutrafin bottle is a perfect bottle stand
I could have sworn I replied to this thread anyhoo, looking good, I do like over-sized plants, ok not very nature aquarium, but it makes me feel like I'm getting down under the plants into the world of the fishes