Yes... shrimp can kill! Apparently most ghost shrimp are pretty peaceful, but mine grew huge, was shedding her skin every 2 weeks and then started chasing my fish around. Eventually she caught two of the corys and she had to go back to the shop. I hope she gets put in a tank with some really big tough fish!
eel boy - theres 6 x-ray tetras, 6 pentazona barbs, 2 juli corys (the one in the photo and one tiny one... i had to buy him a friend after the others were eaten and the lfs only had baby ones!) and puff. It seems a bit crowded in some of the photos, but they tend to all shoal together... theres loads of space around them!
tekknocolour - the surviving corys are julii's, not sure what the other two were
amber C - hes a South American puffer, colomesus asellus (?)
Thanks for all your encouraging comments everyone!