Some People Are Truely Pathetic

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I can't believe they made the simple mistake of saying fish are not vertebrates.
And what was the shop doing importing endangered corals?
Sad situation all round really, sounds like someone with a grudge but that's not the fishes' fault.
even if they wernt non-vertibrate people should still care about non-vertibrate, and they are vertibrate Lol but the sick **** who did this deserves to die in hell.
I know there has been a few people speak up and say they will email the OSPCA about the non vertabrate comment and another person that was filling a complaint with the editor of that article to see if he could do something. I will be sending out more emails tonight because the more the better. My first step was to spam this story on the 7 fish forums I frequent to get the word out. This is just as hanous of a crime for the OSPCA to not help in this circumstance as it was for the jackass to dump the bleach or whatever he did. The whole reason the OSPCA exists is to be here in situations like this.

Liz McDonnell said:

We have since heard back from the OSPCA on this matter. Alison Cross has confirmed fish are, in fact, vertebrates. They do fall under the OSPCA Act, which means that, if this case reveals someone who is convicted, they could receive a lifetime ban of ownership of an animal, a maximum fine of $60,000 and two years in jail. We have removed this misinformation from the story.


Liz McDonnell
Public Editor Associate
Toronto Star Newspaper

It's interesting to read how ignorant people are... According to OSPCA fish have no spines. How sad. Great job contacting the Toronto Star, I really hope this gets the local attention it deserves and they catch the person who did it. I myself live in Canada and it's hard to believe such a thing would happen. My guess it that it must have been a competitor or something trying to hurt their business, why else would anyone kill those fish.
That is just vile, I find the comment 'Whoever did this has a knowledge of how fish tanks works and what they need to survive' quite amusing. I find that bleach tends to kill most things. I really hate the way that animal charities and organizations don't seem to give a #40## about fish.
OK, I think everything that needs to be said has been said. I don't see a point in leaving this thread open any longer.
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