These are a few of the patients currently in hospital at my daughters' vet practice:
Hi!... I am Brandy, and I have a broken leg.....My owner accidentally reversed his car over me.
My name is Fluffy, and I have an invertibrate disease which currently has me lame in the back part of my body.... I trust I'm in good hands and Dr. Luana Venter will have me back in action soon.
I am Blackie, and I was in a car accident which caused a shatterred femur of my left back leg, which was amputated this afternoon... I'm trying to deal with it, but time will be needed.... I'm now a 3 legged cat.
Sylvester is my name, and some insect, which I'm allergic to bit me. I'm feeling much better & will probably go home tomorrow (and get rid of this darn drip!
I am fefe, and like my friend above... I also have an allergy.... I now have to wear this terrible neckband to prevent me from licking the itch.
I am Tiger and was brought in on "after hours" tonight for observation, I'm just feeling a bit off colour.
I was sterilised today and I have no name.....BUT!!!... tomorrow my new owners will come fetch me.... I'm from the SPCA and was lucky to be adopted.
Hi!... I am Brandy, and I have a broken leg.....My owner accidentally reversed his car over me.

My name is Fluffy, and I have an invertibrate disease which currently has me lame in the back part of my body.... I trust I'm in good hands and Dr. Luana Venter will have me back in action soon.

I am Blackie, and I was in a car accident which caused a shatterred femur of my left back leg, which was amputated this afternoon... I'm trying to deal with it, but time will be needed.... I'm now a 3 legged cat.

Sylvester is my name, and some insect, which I'm allergic to bit me. I'm feeling much better & will probably go home tomorrow (and get rid of this darn drip!

I am fefe, and like my friend above... I also have an allergy.... I now have to wear this terrible neckband to prevent me from licking the itch.

I am Tiger and was brought in on "after hours" tonight for observation, I'm just feeling a bit off colour.

I was sterilised today and I have no name.....BUT!!!... tomorrow my new owners will come fetch me.... I'm from the SPCA and was lucky to be adopted.