Some advice please!!


May 14, 2004
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Hi everyone
I currently have an 18 gallon tank (uk) which taller than it is long. At the moment it has 5 sparkling gourami, 5 pencil fish, 2 bristlenose plecs, 1 whiptail catfish, 3 amano shrimp and 1 golden apple snail. they are all very happy and the tank is heavily planted. I've been considering putting some new fish in to add some colour (centerpiece fish) and have been trying to get some ideas so far here are my options and i want your opinions on them:
4 female bettas (Bettas & gouramis??)
a pair of dwarf cichlids (or is my tank too small for these?)
4 Peacock gobies
pair of badis badis ( tank too small?)

Something else all ideas will be considered, however i do like my more unusual looking fish !!

( AAARRGGGHHH its my birthday, i'm not 25 .... :sly: i'm......21 :hey: Really)
Your tank is already overstocked, you should be removing some fish not adding more.
I would say its about right, not overstocked as long as your filter is ok.. I just wouldnt recommend adding anymore.

Also just hope your whiptail is one of the smaller varieties that only grows to 4"... some of them grow to 12" and wouldnt be suitable for your tank in the long run.
Also just remember that bristlenose plecs can reach 5"...mine is 6", but i guess thats down to him being in a 50G tank and being well fed.

Happy Birthday, Aloaring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bday: :beer: :cake: :- :flowers:

I'm going on Sat or Mon to buy myself some birthday plants. I just bought a (pre)Birthday fish last week. :shifty:

What are the dimensions of your tank?

I think I'd go for the Peacock Gobies. They would add a lot of color, and they stay pretty small.

How much do you pay for them? I've only seen them at 1 LFS in Chicago, and they were $19.99 each!!!! :crazy: :S
Also, they were called "European" Peacock gobies.

What types of dwarf cichlids are available to you?
Happy Birthday aloaring. This is kind of off topic here but how are the BN plecs for keeping the algae down? I have a 75 gallon (just finished cycling) that I plant to stock this weekend. Those are one of my 2 choices for AEs. the other being BN catfish.
Add some more plants or some bogwood instead of more fish.

A bigger tank is always a nice birthday present. Happy B-day BTW>
Thanks for the replies guys, i was thinking i was nearing capactiy wasn't sure though! :S
The dimensions of the tank are 18inches long 12 inches wide and 24 inches high which on PFK calculator makes for 19 gallons -17 after displacement. As for filtration i have enheim aquaball 2212 which is probably over filtering it. :blink:

the whiptail is one of the smaller variety though not sure which one.
think I'd go for the Peacock Gobies. They would add a lot of color, and they stay pretty small.

How much do you pay for them? I've only seen them at 1 LFS in Chicago, and they were $19.99 each!!!!
Also, they were called "European" Peacock gobies.

What types of dwarf cichlids are available to you?
Last time i saw peacock gobie over here they were selling them for about £3 and i actually kept a pair in a heavily planted 5 gallon ( i know it was too small but had no choice!) and they started breeding unfortuneately the babies died!!
As for dwarf cichlids i was going to ask my LFS to order some !but since my tank is too small i won't bother!

Why don't you go out and treat yourself to a new tank for your b-day
I was going to say i got no room or money then i just remembered i saw a lovely long tank for £12 that would be perfect to divide and put bettas in..hmmmmmm

Happy Birthday aloaring. This is kind of off topic here but how are the BN plecs for keeping the algae down
My fully grown one sits behind the filter and never comes out while the baby albino i have is out all the time eating everything. i used to have severe algae problems in my tank but put in bristlenoses, shrimp and the snail plus fast growing plants and it disappeared.

I think come payday i see a roadtrip around the local LFS's coming on i won't get anymore fish i'll look for more plants and a new tank for my betta maybe that nice long one i saw before!!

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