So What Has Tff Done For You?

TFF has given me lots of invaluable adrvice and somehwere to talk about my hobby (or addiction) thus saving my girlfiend from being bored to death!

Cheers eveyone!
Almost everything I have learnt I have learned through this forum. Its ace :good: :hyper:

Keep spreading the love
i've just learnt so much sciency stuff it's untrue. i'm actually quite proud of myself cos i really do not have a scientific mind but from plenty of reading on here and discussions with other members I've got my head around all sorts of water chemistry things that i would never have mastered by myself.

every few months a new member pops up who'se so into all this and wants to learn and do things right and it really inspires me to push myself and learn more, so thankyou to all those people

it's strange, there's a handful of people on here i'd consider friends but i couldn't even tell you what they do for a living or anything like that. it's a v strange situation to find yourself in, but it's nice to have somewhere to share your interests with.

it's also helped me career wise, part of my job is to run training courses and to educate people, helping people out on here helps me hone my information delivery skills.
hm where to start.
TFF has helped me cope with clinical depression (i would say get over it, but i think that is something a person never fully gets over)
erm I've met many great members a few that I'm now proud to call my friends,
met my ex-fiancée here (although we won't go down that road)

I think above all, TFF has given me a new outlook on humanity and our wonderful global community
OMG where do i start..

i dont murder as many fish as i used to,as with the knowledge ive picked up here, i know what im doing..and i wouldnt have have platy fry without the help of the OP- well i would have they just wouldnt have survived,made some good friends here,and when i get up at stupid o`clock cos i cant sleep i know that i dont have to sit and watch BBC news 24,i can logg on here and help and learn..i think with all the problems i had when i first started i may well have given up without TFF, all the time ive been a member i started with 1, 4ft tank then that crept up to 10( diff sizes) then down to 7 then back up to 9... not beacause anyone told me to get more, but it is preeettttttyyy addictive to say the least this hobby, always something new to try.
shelagh xxx

Shelagh, we both know that when you wake up at stupid oclock, im pretty much the only one on here, still being awake at my stupid oclock!

This forum has helped me move beyond the old school techniques, and move forward with todays new technology and ideas in fish keeping, before that it was all word of mouth or crappy LFS advice and as always ones own experiances.

Ide like to think that TFF's gift to the Tropical fish world was fishless cycling. theres more posts about that every day even with stickies then anywhere else, everyone is tweaking it, figuring out other ways to do it, its pretty impressive being here
that i thought i knew a lot about fish but i actually knew nothing,
helped me with my BN breeding and have found a lot of friends on here :good:
well TFF has made me spend more money!!!!! lol although i did buy a bigger tank for an absolute bargain from a fellow member but i also saw so many lovely bettas on here that i had to get one for myself!! and i'm glad i did cos he's gorgeous but now i want another one......and another...........and another............aaagggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!MORE MONEY!!!!!! :crazy:
I think the biggest thing I learned here was how to properly spawn bettas. That's really gonna help me when I attempt my second spawn this summer. First one went alright until the dad ate the eggs.
TFF has helped me improve my knowledge in every aspect of fishkeeping by a million miles- for example beforehand i didn't really understand cycling tanks and was rubbish at identifying fish diseases.
Even after i was satisfied with my level of knowledge of fishkeeping, i still hung around here so i could help others new to or ignorant about hobby etc- a lot of people helped me in many area's of fishkeeping when i first joined here, so now i want to help others here like those who helped me when i first joined the forum :good: .

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