So Im Back


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2008
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Hi everyone many of you will know me and for those that don't a hello to you too. Its been a while since I was on the forum but am going to be around a lot more I hope. So any of the old crew still around? Just wanted to say hi to the forum again really and see what's new?
Regards Scot
welcome back =] no clue if any of the old people are around as iv only joined recently =]
Hi ace my little chicken fluff and hello mike thanx for the welcome m8. Ace just had nothin excitin to tell the forum so been on the f/b page keepin my hand in. What you been up to then? Jp or anyone still about ?
Welcome back :) hope we'll be seeing some gorgeous piggy babies in this months POTM? *hint hint* ;) :lol:
Thanx peeps @ tolak havw ya come to terms workin f/b yet ? Ha

@ Caz ta hon oh yeah got months of pics to bore you with had 2 litters this week

Can't wait to gert bk in chat ha the ultimate insomiacs friend lol

Hey Chester!

Good to see you back posting. :good:

Good news for insomniacs mates...theres only 2 sleeps til Christmas.
You gotta update me on that planted tanks of yours...

Hi Ianho,Llj
Very nice indeed to hear from you both of coarse especially as I'm not in trouble hehe.

@ Ianho you mean people actually think my posts are nice? Lol

As for 2 more sleeps Ill be lucky to get 1. Collected another dog somehow now have three.( I aint building up numbers to rival Tolak or Cruella diviel though dont worry)

This is 8 weeks old atm and hasnt grasped what I mean when I say shut up the night bless it ,sort of.

@ Llj and to what of my many truely wonderfull plant attempts do you refer hehe ?

Anyone else then ??


No emoticons sorry footballs all over tv and there isn't an its grim face .............
Yeah Broski, Pop in Live Chat sometime. Most of us are still there kinda <3
Hey I can book face with the best of them Chester! :lol: What sort is dog #3? Pups keep ya young, there's tricks to getting them to sleep though the night, save for a middle of the night potty run.
hello Scott long time now see :)
Ive been off it myself for about 7 months so good to see you back :good:
Thank everyone:D

Tolak its another sbt now have an 16 14 year old and the pup loads of fun lol

Ace will come in to chat soon and say hi for sure


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