Snails! Argh!

Puffers... bad idea.. they are mean and brakish.... clown loaches will eat the snails... get one clown loach, let him eat up all the snails.. and return him before he explodes (they get BIG)... works for me. but my clown is still in there, i had upwards to 100 snails, not a single one anymore, its been 4 weeks
I found it funny- squishing snails is evil, but tossing them out the window to hopefully get eaten by a bird isn't? I say squish them... I would but the honey won't let me.
u people are evil poor snails :eek:

i throw mine out the window lol :p they can be bird feed then :D


OK, I'll try squishing them before I feed them to the clown loaches.

But... no one has a good way of ridding a tank of snails?? :/

I agree. Puffers are mean little suckers and probably will have more than dead snails in the tank. :X

Just get a temporary snail eatting loach. When the deed is done. Return him. Make sure the store allows returns.

Oh and also. Always wash any plants you buy before intruducing them to your tanks! You won't get snails that way.
I bought two snails at the pet store and WAHHH havent gotten anymore. I want more, I know somone who buys them for $2 a peice. How do you get them to breed? luCk? got two in each tank!
Can i say squishing snails doesn't always work, i squished a snail in my tank tonight, then watched as it slithered away, broken shell and all. Didn't seem to be too damaged by it either!
If I were you, I would be leery about squishing any type of snail until I was sure I knew what type it was. I read that some snails have a very tough shell with sharp points on them, which can cut you and lead to infection. But then again, this doesnt sound like the case here, just wanted to warn you and others who read this.

Puffers are hard to keep and aggressive as well as brackish fish. Not an easy way to go about this.

Clown loaches are good, but you need to get them in a group of at least three as they are schoaling fish and need company in order to keep them from being reclusive and ineffective as snail exterminators. Clown loaches also get very big, but it takes so long for them to get as big as they can that many people can get away with keeping them for years and years in too small of a tank.

Snail traps work well and I have used them to great effect. Just get yourself a small glass jar like an olive jar and bait it with some cucumber or other snail loving food. Then, in the morning, before you turn on the lights, take out the jar and some snails will come out with it. Keep doing the same until the problem is gone.

There is also a couple of products to get rid of snails (Had-a-snail comes to mind). These kill snails but not fish supposedly. I never tried it because I do not like adding chemicals too often and if you accidentally over dosed, you could cause more problems. I believe the product is copper based as well so it will kill all inverts in your tank and you will have a hard time removing the copper in the event that you want to get inverts later on in life.
Can i say squishing snails doesn't always work, i squished a snail in my tank tonight, then watched as it slithered away, broken shell and all. Didn't seem to be too damaged by it either!

Ugh, they're so gross.

Tommy Gunz: Good idea about the jar thing! I might give that a try! We have 4 clown loaches, but they're in a different tank. I don't really want a puffer. Snails with spikes? EW!
If I were you, I would be leery about squishing any type of snail until I was sure I knew what type it was. I read that some snails have a very tough shell with sharp points on them, which can cut you and lead to infection. But then again, this doesnt sound like the case here, just wanted to warn you and others who read this.

These are just normal pest snails. And they really are a pest.

The only one i don't mind leaving is a trumpet snail i picked up with some plants recently. That is until it reproduces i guess!
Well, personally I think snail are cool, though it's probably only a good thing to have Nerites and Trumpet Snails in your tank, as the former won't reproduce in a tank, and both are beneficial algae and detritus eaters. I'm starting to get a bit of a problem with ramshorn snails of some species or another appearing all over the place though (the pond snails for some reason all died off on their own).

Anyway, you seem to be a snail-phobic, otherwise I'd reccomend after you elminate the current batch you get some harmless trumpet snails in there to out-compete them. Hell, you could sell them online and make some money.

But in the long-run, out-competing the snails seems like the best idea. Maybe if you get some ghost shrimp, amano shrimp, cherry shrimp, and some Ottos/SAE there won't be enough algae and detritus for the snails to eat. Seems like the best long-term solution.
Um..I think squishing em is a bad idea...I work at petsmart and according to one of my managers when you squish em their eggs come out ... but idunno.

I know koi eat em..but you prolly can't put a koi in your tank..and of course the clown loaches.

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