Snail in my tank?


I'm thinking clown but have not decided for sure yet..I need these snails gone lol cute or no cute they are soon to be loach food lol

Will depend on what I can find the fastest locally
i think you still need two or it would encourage inbreeding in snails... more to the point who cares if youve got one you prolly have two if you want them they thats that settled i think you got em. allot of people dont like em molly moma being one of them it seems loaches arent a cure all snail killer apparently they just keep them down to a reasonable amount. and nothing i know of yet will eat an adult snail... apart from a red ear. i cant get my snails to breed as i have fry in the tank and they eat the snail larve also cichlids seem to eat larve. i can only wish you luck molly as they are difficult to get rid of (tho i never try) look for translucent egg sacks on the side of the glass and on plants also look for adults just remove them is the best way to deal with them as they only breed and lay eggs as adults thus it cant be difficult to get rid of ones you have. as for dipping the plants i cant say as i disagree with this practice more depending on what your dipping the plants in its bad for ither your fish or the environment. if you want to be shure there are no snails on your plants isolate them in a quarantine tank for a few days. dont dip them in snail killer or bleach im still shocked about people using bleach sorry all but i am.
Jam I have been hand picking sacks & adults out of the tank for about 2 months now. Even if the loachs won't rid the tank totally they will keep these unwanted creatures from slopping up the tank lol
both sex organs??????


i wanna be a snail
:eek: ok...last week I saw a teeny tiny snail in my tank (think it came with plant I got from son...grrrr) today I have 10! 2 are rams horn snails (i think) and the rest are those curly regular snails. since they are still small - biggest is about size of clicker top on ballpoint pen - i may keep for a while. but soon will have to 'do away' with some. Sure was nice of son to tell me about rinsing plants AFTER i put them in my tank. LOL :/
Free snails next week - anyone want some?
Hi everybody,
Yes I know that their are some fish that can and will make a meal of these common problem snails. But I add salt to my tanks. I know that when you have cory's and live plants that is not possible. But I have had them to cause some really bad problems. Like they do constantly reproduce :hyper: very fast!!!
So in the case of having fish that can't handle salt? Well what I tell our customers is alot of hard work. But it does the trick, take everything out of your tank. Put in bucket with salt {non-iodized table salt} water mixed to 0.3percent. Use a hydrometor to take this reading. Use this as a bath treatment. For live plants dip and rinse well under easily running water. Clean the tank as well with the salt solution. There are alot of snails that do reproduce on their own. But others do not. In order to find out what you have. I would call the lfs first. Ask if they have had any snails such as the large Apple Snail, Blake snail. Then I would ask if an egg sack in the tank from which the fish or plants had been purchased.

HTH..... :) Tom & Linda
great suggestion!!
when i was a little shelly, i had a black moor in a bowl, and i was at the lake where everyone swims, and boy- a snail! that would do well in my bowl, right?
i picked him up, mom put him in a little cup with water, and we took him home. i watched in amazment for hours!
the next morning i went to feed Abraham (fishie) and to my confusion, what on earth were all these dots?? I called my mom in, and she was mortifyed.. there were thousands... thousands of baby snails everywhere. :unsure: :unsure: it took my mom hours to clean that bowl. we put every single snail in the pond out back, and yet the next morning, thousands more. :crazy:

it took me years to find enough bravery to try snails again.
Tom_Linda said:
Hi everybody,
Yes I know that their are some fish that can and will make a meal of these common problem snails. But I add salt to my tanks. I know that when you have cory's and live plants that is not possible. But I have had them to cause some really bad problems. Like they do constantly reproduce :hyper: very fast!!!
My wild, pest snails are immune to salt :(

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