Smokey Blushing Angels

Finally! Shadow had dropped her breeding tube almost completely! Both are cleaning leaves and chasing off the other fish that come too close to their 'spot'. It lloks like they've chosen the same spot as the first spawn - my large anubias plant. That's the area they're guarding anyway.
Hopefully she'll finish dropping her breeding tube by tonight and maybe I'll have eggs for the weekend.
Let the 'fun' begin 
well shadow's breeding tube is completely dropped this morning and both angels are being extra aggressive. I'm slightly concerned about the rest of my stock but there's very little I can do about it.
I have considered going online and ordering a tank divider - one of those plastic one's that slide in and can be easily removed. That way I could divide the tank in half and have the rest of my stock on one side and the angels on the other. Has anyone tried this method?
I was hoping to wake up to eggs but no, she's still displaying a fully dropped tube and she's still bickering with the male but no eggs.
She started laying eggs about 5 minutes ago. I've seen the male pass over them too so hopefully they will be fertile this time! I'll report back later
Akasha72 said:
She started laying eggs about 5 minutes ago. I've seen the male pass over them too so hopefully they will be fertile this time! I'll report back later
the excitement is over. My tetra's are just too fast and this pair are just too inexperienced. Several eggs have already been eaten and the parents are struggling to protect them. She's still laying eggs too and so she's knocked some of the earlier eggs off the leaf aswell.
I just think this is a non-starter ...

Once again - disappointed :(
they're just too young I think. They need to grow up some more and get into the swing of guarding their eggs and young.
I'm looking into getting a slip-in tank divider now so next time I can divide things off and the angels get to have one side of the tank to themselves ... and it keeps the tetra's away from the eggs!
There's still a lot of eggs though and so far they look viable but once the lights go off the tetra's will have a field day
well ... perhaps I spoke too soon and misjudged them. They worked together to get rid of the tetra's and the male took on the part of eating any falling eggs so the tetra's gave up circling... clever hey?!
She's now sat next to the leaf with the remaining eggs - and there are a LOT of eggs! No wonder she was so fat! I've seen her fanning them but she's chopping and changing her mind about whether she wants to male with her or not. One minute she's letting him help her fan them and the next she's chasing him away. She's an odd ball 
all eggs have gone this morning.... back to disappointment :(
This is quite the roller coaster... :sick:
yep ... sorry for making you barf lol
do you want another ride on the rollercoaster Eagles?
The female hasn't pulled her breeding tube back in and she's going mad cleaning leaves. The male is circling her and they're viciously lip-locking. I'm expecting her to lay some more eggs if this carries on
Man... I don't know that I recovered from the last one!  
... but sure.  Why not?!?! 

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