Smallest Harlequin Died


New Member
Mar 13, 2012
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I just found that one of my six Harlequin Rasboras had died. I have had them in a 10 gal. tank for about 7 mos. with a male betta. The tank was fully cycled before introducing them and is heavily planted. From the start, this fish did not grow at the same rate as the others and as the size difference became more obvious he was often chased away by the bigger members of the school. He spent a lot of time lurking back in the plants alone but always joined in at feeding time and they all schooled together in the mornings. I do weekly water changes and tests and the other harlequins all seem healthy. Any ideas what may have happened? There were no problems visible on his body or in his behavior. I never saw the others actually attack the little guy, just chase him away from the group.
I had this happen to one of mine, just before my tank got Ich I noticed one of my Harle's were getting smaller heigh wise and losing some colour. After a few days I found him dead but he was never part of the group he was always by himself.

Thankfully my lfs was moving and had a fish sale on 50% so I picked up 12 more so now my shoal is around 24 or so I haven't actually been able to count
I sure hope my tank isn't about to get ich! Mine didn't get smaller, he just didn't grow. His color stayed bright and even when I examined his body after he died, I saw no signs of anything wrong. I'm hoping it was just that there was something wrong (and not contagious) from the start with him. Thanks for your reply. I wish I had a tank big enough for a shoal of 24!
Might simply be that he was stunted for some reason and therefore had a shorter lifespan. There are worrying conditions such as fish TB that are worth knowing the signs of so you can spot it if any fish develop any symptoms otherwise.
I sure hope my tank isn't about to get ich! Mine didn't get smaller, he just didn't grow. His color stayed bright and even when I examined his body after he died, I saw no signs of anything wrong. I'm hoping it was just that there was something wrong (and not contagious) from the start with him. Thanks for your reply. I wish I had a tank big enough for a shoal of 24!
Nah, he didnt have ich one of my female guppies was stressed by my cats when I put her in the 10 gallon fry tank to give birth, she seemed fine but very very pale when I put her back in the big tank, the next day I saw the spots and then the infestation started

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