Skinny Catfish


New Member
May 24, 2020
Reaction score
St. Louis, Mo

I never see my coreydora eating so I assumed he was eating whileI was asleep. However, he looks a little small to me. Is this normal? What should I do to make sure he’s eating enough?


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I have one other catfish with them and a betta. I did a test of the water and everything came back fine and I’m feeding them tetramin tropical flakes and tetra betta plus pellets. The tank is a 10 gallon.
He may be stressed, cories like to live in groups of 5 or more. The betta may be eating the food before the cories could get to it too and you should probably try feeding the corys sinking pellets or wafers that are made for catfish.
Thank you for the feedback! I’ll buy some pellets tomorrow. They were sold to me just as fish that could keep the tank clean and I had no idea they would get lonely. I’ll move them within the next couple days to a bigger tank and get a few more.
Thank you!
Yes I would reccomend at least 8 corydoras. They also require sand as the substrate. They will not eat algae or fish waste and need carnivorous pellets. The betta also is probably releasing pheromones into the water and stressing them. Keep the betta alone with maybe shrimp and snails in the 10 gallon :)

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