Skifletch's Mantis Nano (minus The Mantis)

Negatory. Tried running my old Seaclone as an HOB but it was too much of a pita to get it to settle in. I'm just gona use rowaphos and keep softies so that dissolved organics are not too much of a problem.
I kept one for some time, and you really do, they're messy!
O looks really nice, enjoyed reading it through. After reading your problem with the lights I think if I get my tank going I'm just gona stick with a normal fixture not DIY. So are you were they got over 12' of snow.
Mercifully no, the guys that got 12' were over on the east end of lake ontario where typical yearly snowfalls are in the 250-300" range. Here in the Buffalo area on the east end of lake erie we only average about 96" of snowfall per year. We've had prolly 3-4 feet over the same time span that the central NY guys got their 12'. Little hint for everyone here, never ever decide to go to school at SUNY Oswego if you don't like snow
Yeah, got a couple leads on them, just waiting for the weather to break as I dont want to ship one and have it a frozen block of ice before it gets here. When the average temperature is 10f for a month you get a little concerned about that :). I am hopefully gonna fill the tank with some corals by next week though :shifty:
how long do oy have towait for corals? i always thought it was like 4 months or something
Heh, it depends. For tanks 10g and up and beginner aquarists, I usually reccomend waiting at least a month. If its your 2nd or 3rd tank and you know what you're doing, heck you can put em in after a week or two. Not that I would ever reccomend doing this to a newb, but my LFS cured their rock, set it up in their display tank and had corals in it the next day :eek:. Remember though, the owners have been in the reef business for 15 years each
Just a quick update, the weather is starting to turn here in the western NY area, its only freezing or below at night now :unsure: and next week thursday and friday should see some exceptional moderation in temps, ranging up towards 40-50f. If that continues to be the case, will be recieving an order for an N. Wennerae :D. Also got his "food" in today, 50 bluelegs :lol:
:-O! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GETTING THE BLUE LEGS FOR A CLEAN UP CREW! Well then, since you have them already...You should make a video of it. Its way cool how mantis' crack the shell and then catch the escaping hermit...Evil yet enjoyable.

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