Site/Server Upgraded

I logged in this morning and the alert symbol (bell) said 7. I looked at the list and there were 7 items in the list timed after I logged out last night.
1 was a member quoting one of my posts
2 were 'likes'
4 were replies in threads I'd posted in
No-one had tagged me overnight so there were no 'mentions'.

Is this the kind of thing you mean?
Nevermind, I just figured it out.

There is a new button, the “mark as read” button
if you and if you marked as unread the bell will always pop the number.


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I know that the number in the symbol changes as you read the threads in the list. Because I had looked at my alert list, there was no number in the symbol until you made the post above. Then there was a 1 in the symbol until I loaded this thread, then it disappeared.
As soon as I review the new notifications, they go away. But this morning, I had 8 notifications, but when I clicked on the bell, I only had 2 real notifications.
I thought it may be my device, but I'm on my PC now and I'm still having the same issue...
What do you consider to be 'real' notifications?
There are several types. Replies to threads you've posted in, 'likes' etc of posts you've made and 'mentions' ie when someone has tagged you. All these count towards the total number.
For example, right here:
Says I have 7 notifications, right? Well as soon as the page loads, and I can respond, then they disappear. When I have real notifications, then the 7 will disappear and a 2 will appear.
I am at a loss to understand exactly what is happening.

All I know is that with me, the alerts - the bell symbol - will show a number depending on how may unread alerts there are. If I open a thread which has alerts attached to it (someone has replied to that thread which I've previously posted in, or someone has liked my post in that thread, or someone has tagged me in that thread) the number next to the bell drops by the number of alerts attached to the thread I've just opened.

But there is a change since the upgrade.
Before the upgrade, the numbers next to the bell went down as I opened threads associated with the alerts; and if I opened the list of alerts, the number disappeared because I'd opened the list.
Now the number still goes down as I open threads associated with the alerts; if I open the alert list the number disappears, but if I open another thread or click on 'new posts' a number flashes up for a second then disappears. That flash number is the number of alerts associated with threads I haven't opened yet and they are on a grey background in the list of alerts like this - I have not yet opened the 2nd and 3rd threads in my alert list so the number 2 flashes when I open a new thread etc.

I'm sorry, I can't explain it any better than this :blush:
And just to confirm, I have now opened those two 'grey' threads and now when I click on 'new post' no number flashes up next to the bell as there are now no unread threads in the list.
Let me try again, because this is confusing to me as well.. :unsure:

When I load up TFF, my notifications has a little red “7” over the bell icon. If I don’t open up the list, the 7 stays there. If I go to a thread on the “active threads” section, then the 7 will go down to a “2” or a “3”. I did not actually have 7 new notifications, I in reality only had 2 or 3.

I must be a glitch. My WiFi has never been the greatest, but the 7 notifications can be misleading, especially when I don’t have any new notifications at all...
I'm not very computer literate which doesn't help. I don't know the proper names for things. And I don't use a phone or tablet as my hand-eye coordination is terrible and I can never touch the right bit of the screen :blush: so I can't work things out for phone/tablet users.
Let me try again, because this is confusing to me as well.. :unsure:

When I load up TFF, my notifications has a little red “7” over the bell icon. If I don’t open up the list, the 7 stays there. If I go to a thread on the “active threads” section, then the 7 will go down to a “2” or a “3”. I did not actually have 7 new notifications, I in reality only had 2 or 3.

I must be a glitch. My WiFi has never been the greatest, but the 7 notifications can be misleading, especially when I don’t have any new notifications at all...
I understand what you meant and here’s the explanation for you...
If you deselect the button (red arrow) , the notification wont follow you around. (It only work on IOS for some reason)


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The alerts that Barry tetra pointed to are also on a grey background rather than white which makes them easier to spot in the list. At least, the background is grey on a PC.
Looking into to the alert issue. Definitely sounds like some kind of bug.

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