Fish Gatherer
I’ve no idea what any of you are talking about. Like Vienna......
Yes, we need dark mode. Can we get dark mode here?
The site has been extremely slow for me over the past day or so... it takes over a minute just to get the page to load/unglitch. Any clue why?
Yes it is, it has been since the update occurred. I also agree with @Barry Tetra on the notifications thing. When I load it up, it may say I have 7, but I only have 1 or 2.Hmm.. Is it like that right now for you?
I have no idea what any of that means@Colin_T what version of edge are you running? Do you have any TLS/SSL settings selected under "internet options"? Are you in "compatibility mode"? These were the top two things that would cause web pages to not render/work properly in my previous job.
The bell thing, Sometime it said I have 4 messages but in reality I already read all of it, sometime it just pop up.Can I ask, when members refer to 'notifications' what do they mean? Is it 'alerts' as shown in the bell symbol next to the user name, or emails telling you that there's a reply to a watched thread?