Site/Server Upgraded

I used to get the 502 bad gateway message between 09:10 and 09:20 GMT which was when the server was backed up. I've not been here at that time of day for the last few days so I don't know if it still does it. (Those of you in different time zones will need to find out when that is where you live ;) )

During the 12 hour forum 'outage' (which for me was 17:45 on 31 March to 05:53 on 1 April) the forum did load but although I could read everything I couldn't post anything.
Same, its always during this time.
the forum did load but although I could read everything I couldn't post anything.
When I tried to load mine, first I got the 502 bad gateway page. I went outside and worked for about 3 hours and then came back. When I returned, I was able to load TFF, but the only page i could view was one that said this, "The server is currently being updated, please check back later".
When I tried to load mine, first I got the 502 bad gateway page. I went outside and worked for about 3 hours and then came back. When I returned, I was able to load TFF, but the only page i could view was one that said this, "The server is currently being updated, please check back later".
That was yesterday evening for me. That's when the upgrade was done that veraderock told us of in the first post. His post was timed at 8.55 pm my time, you are a few hours behind me (5 I think) so that would put the upgrade at about 2.30 yesterday afternoon for you.

When the server is backed up, it used to be at about 4.15 in the morning your time, so you probably won't have seen that one. it only lasted 10 minutes.
That was yesterday evening for me. That's when the upgrade was done that veraderock told us of in the first post. His post was timed at 8.55 pm my time, you are a few hours behind me (5 I think) so that would put the upgrade at about 2.30 yesterday afternoon for you.

When the server is backed up, it used to be at about 4.15 in the morning your time, so you probably won't have seen that one. it only lasted 10 minutes.
Yes, it was around 14:30 here in KY. I did see that one, but I didn’t see one in the morning. Should there be any more updates/glitches with this new update?


  • B08367A1-DC1C-4F24-8D2E-6871CE45D863.png
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I don't see that one but on each forum I see different things in the "search for tags" section, though some forums have nothing.
Some of them look like adverts while others are relevant to the particular forum.
This is at the bottom of Tropical Discussion

Tropical Discussion.jpg
First couldn't post,then it turned into watching graph bars as my post took awhile to send. Like Windows 95 and dial up days.
The main thing is - does it work now?

verdaerock asked us to post any problems going forwards. Since the upgrade has been carried out, hopefully there won't be any further problems, though that can't be guaranteed.

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