Si's Low Tech Tank Journal

yeah, mine where from B&Q and they were 98p each! I have got Riccia and Moss (gonna have a bash at a wall to cover the filter, coutsey of AC) in one (in separate containers). Hoping the riccia takes off. You can have some if you want Si, if it does.
sounds good, will be worth it even if I just sell the plantlets.

Cheers Ian, may take you up on the riccia although it will be interesting to see what the eleocharis parvula does when I add co2.
Got my shipment through today from aquatic magic:

Non return valve and bubble counter
rhinox 2000 diffuser
drop checker +

Also went to TGM and got:

co2 tubing
3dkh solution

now i'm waiting for my regulator and solenoid and I need to go out and get the gas canister :good:

can't wait to set this up. Regulator will only have been sent out yesterday I think so won't be for a week or so yet -_-
sorry, 4dKH

That will be better suited even though it is low lighting?

edit: I'm confused about the bubble counter, the valve goes infront of it yet there needs to be water in the bubble counter? but shouldn't that mean the valve goes behind the bubble counter? :S

I also want the co2 to come on 2 hours before the lights right? So i will need a seperate timer?
Got 3kg of co2 for 30 quid, 10quid to refill...should last ages :)

Just waiting (impatiently :p) for regulator and solenoid.

Currently my lighting is on for 7 hours, what sort of time shall I aim for once the co2 is setup?
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

regulator and solenoid came...#92### is that good timing or what, I just got back from getting the gas bottle :lol:

Now I'll have to do my research tonight (would help if I knew german) and i'll get a timer and a plug conversion for the solenoid tomorrow.

Still don't get the bubble counter, it shows on the aquatic magic website that the non return glass valve goes after the bubble counter but that doesn't make sense, surely it goes before it :S



getting sorted mate!

the glass NRV goes on after the bubble counter, the website is right, but i get your thinking.
but won't water go from the bubble counter into the solenoid/reg :S or do i need another valve?
Surely you would only need to the one valve. For the simple fact that if, and it is an if, the water does try to go the wrong way the valve prevents it. So in theory with it stopping anything passing that way surely the liquid in the bubble counter on the other side of the valve won't move also. Thats the theory in my head, i have no idea how technically accurate that is, if at all. So it would be good to get that clarrified by someone with the know-how :)
ooo I see what you mean, if the water tries to go down the bubble counter, the syphoning effect of that will pull the valve down (even though it may be above it) and will stop it....thats what you were saying right? :p Hopefully someone can confirm this.

to check leaks do you just stick it in a bucket of (soapy?) water? in the pictures there is just a picture of a glass with soapy water...excuse my newbieness -_-
Yes, thats exactly what i'm saying. Why i didnt think to describe it as the syphoning effect i'll never know. So much easier. I believe you fill a bowl/bucket/sink with soapy water and dunk in the end (i believe). Again this is all theory work based on the thread in my sig.

You and i have the same questions about the same thing, this is proving usefull for me also you asking these questions...but we still need someone to confirm. Wheres SuperColey when you need him :p
hiding from me probably :lol:

Other questions include

When you've made all the knobs on the regulator 0, do you twist the cylinder wheel thingy just one full turn?

when you 'fire' the canister I take it you just do it with a regulator in (solenoid too?) then connect everything and fiddle with the regulator to start with 1bps and work it up? I read on the sellers website you can times the KH by the litres in the tank to get an estimate which was 5bps for me.

How many times do I turn the knob on the regulator(not the needle valve) or what pressure shall I aim for. Is it about 1.2bar? german isn't easy to understand :p
And i quote from Themeleous (whos helped me a bunch on this)

"Now take it outside in order to 'fire' the FE to release the CO2. I was expecting an explosion or something when I did this, but I had tightened the reg nut well and a short hiss was all I got, good actually I don't want to lose my arms! The needle on the reg should go to around 50 bar and the other gauge is set using the larger black dial on the front of the reg. I don't think it really matters what you set this to, I just went for 1.5 bar for no reason at all!"

If that answers your question. Concidering his goes between 0 and 4bar i would say 1.5 sounds a safe bet. Or maybe its nerves making me state that :lol:
Cheers James, I think i've read that before I just like the second opinion.

Can't wait to get this going :)

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