Si's Fishless Cycle

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Bums no it was afterwards. Hopefully they'll get my message. Did you say he sends Amazon Swords anyway?

He will probably include them anyway, though I would say to phone up them they do supply a number I think so. If you just quote your order number from eBay and say your paypal email address they will do something for you.
Thanks. Having said that I have no idea about design so it may end up looking better if someone else chooses my plants lol.

How much sand are you meant to have? I've just noticed you both have loads more than me!
You should have about 1-1.5 inches... It isn't really what plants generally, its about the decoration and where the plants are placed in regard to their shape and size... :p

I have a bit more sand but I have a fertile substrate underneath
Yeah, that's about what I have in the back corner but not at the front. Good job I have some left! Though it's hard to tell exactly coz you can't actually see down to the very bottom from the outside.
Lol, I just used my finger the filter shifts the sand around so I let the filter run a long time so I could tell which parts of the substrate will stay in place.

I just added about an 1.5 inches or so. Amazon swords apparently need around 6cm of substrate. Most of the pond weeds can apparently live without even being planted and can float. Although if you bury them and the bottoms are damaged they will just rot.
They emailed me back today and said they can send me what I want :) . Someone else said to be careful of Ebay deals like that coz they sometimes send high tech plants and ones that aren't actually for aquariums though! None of yours were though were they?

This, btw, is why I can't pay too much attention to the plant thing and have to stick to simple ones -->

I read that and see "blah blah blah lah.....blah blah" :lol:
Its high tech thats why, you don't need to know anything about dry ferts :p

I found tropica and the green machine websites useful plant wise, most the plants I have no demands really, but I want them to grow nice and greeeeen!

This is my plant list

echinodorus ozelot
Anubias barteri var. nana
microsorum pteropus narrow (java fern)
Eleocharis parvula (thats the grass)
Bacopa australis
Echinodorus bleheri (amazon swords)
Vallisneria spiralis
Taxiphyllum barbieri (java moss)
Cryptocoryne x willisii
hygrophila difformis

I think these are also good easy to look after plants

hygrophila polysperma
bacopa caroliniana
ludwigia repens ‘rubin’
Cryptocoryne wendtii

[size="6"]Congratulations Si![/size]

I see a loach and 2 bolivians! Are you sure you got 1 male and 1 female? If not you'll need to get more ;)[/font]

[color="#222222"][font="arial]I assume you spoke to the guys at Green Machine then? (and purchased :))[/font]
haha thanks :D

There is 2 bolivians, and 8 tiny kuhlis. I have no idea whether they are a pair or not, I read up on it, and the guys there were unsure too, they all looked so similar, and by the time he tried to net them they all changed colour and hid in the corner so you couldn't see them properly!

I spoke to the guys at the green machine yeah, very helpful regarding the fish as they were with the plants...

When I added the kuhlis they swam up to the rams and the rams were looking at them as if what the heck!.. going backwards haha
I'm so glad for you !!! You've had one hell of a time cycling that tank !!! Now you have the lovely task of filling it !!! enjoy !!!

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