Si's Fishless Cycle

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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With a little research I also noticed most of the plants can survive floating for long times or permanently. So it's a good job because I can see them floating away. Although since doing it this afternoon none of them have floated away!

Would adding Seachem Flourish be a good idea do you think, or is it only good if I provide more CO2?
what sort of nutrients is it?

whatever nutrients TPN+ is (which must be most) is useful even with low tech so I imagine seachem will be similar... just check what nutrients they have in comparison?

just did a 50% waterchange...

thats 2 50%s today

hopefully pH will be 7+. Still no one has told me whether bicarb will bother plants... urgh.

I have 2 java ferns and one anubias sitting in a big bucket. they weren't on the cheap end either so hopefully they're ok.
If not I will take them off your hands at a reasonable price.

A brief look I think the Bi-Carbonate won't hurt your plants much.
i swear there is a tiny tiny shrimp in the tank, like 3mm... looks just like a tiny shrimp sitting on a leaf
Lol, sure its not a snail? Maybe you got a hitchhiker who has somehow survived so far.
Its definately not a snail, it has little round eyes that are on top of its head, it has two whisker things and a longer tail like a shrimp... it might be a nymph thing or something tho
Oh wow that does look like a shrimp! Would you think that Fluval u1 filter instead? Here is... my girlfriends planted tank now and mine in the making

My girlfriends

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( I haven't aquascaped the plants properly as I will be moving the tank in about week! they'll need arranging then)

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p.s how the #71### did you spot that thing anyway?
I think fluval is better then the stingray yeah, try and get more filtration capacity if possible (not sure what u1 is though, might be more than enough)

Those plants at the front will get really tall so you might want to move them to the back eventually

I'd go for a black background though... :p I like the setup in yours looks more natural

edit: lmao I was just looking at that plant, because I picked it for its looks rather than its practicality, was looking to see if it was growing and thought there was a weird clump, examined closer and it was a shrimp ( or whatever it is) :lol:

I hope its a shrimp, although you'd have thought it would have died from the ammonia.
That is so a shrimp! lol! How could that have even happened?
Ya I like the natural look, I said to my girlfriend if she wants she can have my bogwood when its ready, it's leeching tannins still but not much (I only bought it about 3 days ago).

Like I said I didn't really position the way I wanted to, I just did it there and then as they were left overs from my girlfriends tank, Yes I have 3 amazon swords as left overs! I have a picture on a camera at my house of the plants I got off the order, you may be shocked by the quantity. I got around 25 normal plants and then probably about 25 weeds lol. I really only wanted the weeds as they're fast growers to help keep Ammonia/Nitrite down.

If these plants survive in my tank then I will be able to use them, if not I don't mind they were effectively "Free" anyway. Though if my girlfriend does want the bogwood in the future I will give her my plants a well! I'm amazed at how still the water is in her tank yet the water level is rippling quite a bit.

I'm quite proud of what I've done though!
lol...maybe he was in with the plants? he must have been soo tiny!

they have thousands of shrimp covering some of the tanks at the green machine..literally crawing all over.

Maybe I should put him in a jar of water with some fish food and plant debris? :lol:

edit: things seem to be making some good progress then josh. As long as there is surface agitation it should be sufficient...

And you should..I will be too if this ever works!
Bless him. Will the fish you're getting eat him if you leave him there?
You should eat him.

I think I will pick up a bottle of plant nutrients though when I get the ram. I'm just afraid the plants might start rotting and releasing ammonia and I just think everything is hunky dory!

I only test once a day now, our ammonia test bottle is almost empty too!
Yep... but that would be natural rather than me poisoning the little guy! It's probably just some random pest anyway..

I need to get a new ammonia bottle too soon

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