Silly Prices for fish


Fish Fanatic
May 29, 2005
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Middlesbrough- Uk
Well Guys,

I had a shock of my life today, I went shopping to pets at home near me-

I saw some juvenile bristlenoses Albino and regular-

They wanted £24.99 for one baby, so discusted at that price, I would say they would even be pushing it at charging £10.00 for a juvenille.

I pulled the lfs manager up about it- me thinking that it was an error- he stated to me that the reason for the high price was because it is an unusual plec and that it is hard to come by. Im not going to publish my response to him! lol.

Its just amazed me at how they get away at charging those silly prices, makes me feel sorry for the inexperienced as they end up on folking out a fortune on stuff the is not that necessary.

Any one else had a simular expeirence?

Those prices are scandalous!
Last regular bristlenose I bought was £4 and a baby albino was £2
Can just imagine what you told the manager!
Hope no poor mug actually bought any :/
Thats a ridiculous price. Yes, the albinos should be more than regular and you should expect to pay £10-15 depending on size, maybe £20 if it is an adult, but £25 is extortionate for a juvi albino BN.

paid £2each for all my albinos, there between 5cm and 3" and paid 50p for a 2" baby normal BN

i bought for Clown plecs and paid £3.50 each for them
I paid £6.50 for some 2.5" Albino's in a LONDON fish shop - where prices are generally inflated anyway.

That's a rip off if ever I saw one :rolleyes:
Was there a scientific name on the tank? There is more than one species of bristlenose and some can fetch quite high prices. If they are just the common bristlenose species Ancisterus sp3 then that is a terrible price.
No they were definatly marked as a albino and regular bristlenoses, I was discusted and furious.

Their was a woman stood next to me looking at some fish, she was gobsmaked I was kicking off at the matter.

My local lfs (not pets at home) charge £10.00 a peice, I am prepared to pay that but pets at homes prices.

Ive decided to not shop their anymore, even for my dogs food.

The reason Im not shopping their is how do I know they are not overpricing on anything else, and its the principul of the matter.

mells said:
Well Guys,

I had a shock of my life today, I went shopping to pets at home near me-

I saw some juvenile bristlenoses Albino and regular-

They wanted £24.99 for one baby, so discusted at that price, I would say they would even be pushing it at charging £10.00 for a juvenille.

I pulled the lfs manager up about it- me thinking that it was an error- he stated to me that the reason for the high price was because it is an unusual plec and that it is hard to come by. Im not going to publish my response to him! lol.

Its just amazed me at how they get away at charging those silly prices, makes me feel sorry for the inexperienced as they end up on folking out a fortune on stuff the is not that necessary.

Any one else had a simular expeirence?


I was having a talk with my lfs the other day and was discussing the huge amount of common and sailfin plecs they sell saying that there simply wern't going to be enough people in town with tanks bigger enough for those sorts of fish, my lfs doesn't even sell tanks bigger than 40gallons. I said it would be better if they sold smaller plecs like bristlenoses and my lfs owner just said
" common and sailfin plecs are cheap to come by, bristlesnoses are too expensive and due to that i don't think we'd sell any"
I said bristlenoses weren't that expensive and you shouldn't expect to pay more than £8 for them(my lfs owner didn't say anything at this)...I've grown accustomed to my lfs trying to rip people off and me so i wouldn't be suprised if they did try to charge £24.99 for them if they could get away with it, i wish they did sell less giant growing fish though and actually labelled them with the right names- they just labell the common/sailfin plec tank as "red plecs" and they sell them so small its hard to tell the commons and sailfins apart :/ .
Wow, thats a lot for a BN. The nearest Pets At Home had some in a while ago at £2.99 each, I bought one but they were so tiny and probably far too young to sell it died the next morning. (BTW I don't normally buy fish from there, I'm not that dim :))
In the shopkeeper defence sort of but not really. When it come to how shops price there fish it is simple they pay X and charge Y. So if X is high then Y is high. The shopkeeper has probably been fobbed off with a cheap fish that is payed over the odds for. But it is also the reason you sometimes get a bargin as well.
might they have been long finned albinos? i've only seen those around here at Petco for about $20 each.... but they're pretty obviously special. very pretty, but not worth the money to me (not when that much will buy an L# off Aquabid)
LOL You guys should try buying a Zebra plec in NZ, if you can find one your looking at between $500-$600
I have been breeding what we call Golden Blackeyed Ancistrus (B/Nose) they differ from the albino by having black rather than red eyes, for just over a yr now and sell them for $15 ea, they sell at LFS for between $24.95-$34.95 for one about 30mm but i prefer to sell mine at 40+mm for the cheaper price as they are healthier and accept new water conditions better.
It's not unusuall to pay around the $120-$190 for the fancy plecs, gold nuggets are around the $190 mark.

i got 2 adult male albinos for $6 each from aquabid (but then again it was a little more for shipping)

snowman-wouldnt those just be leucistic?

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