sick mollie


New Member
Sep 10, 2003
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I have a male black mollie and for the last few days he has been back and forth between floating on top of the water and laying on the gravel. I did my water tests, and the nitrite level is higher than it has been in a while, so I think this may have something to do with it. Any advice?

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, my mollie died a short time ago. I now have two rosy barbs, three tetras (can't remember actual type of tetra), and a pleco. How long should I wait before I add another fish to the tank? Do you have any advice on what type of fish to try with the current fish I have, in a ten gallon tank? Thanks.

I personally would wait until the tank is finished cycling before I added any more fish. But I guess it is up to you.

How many inches of fish do you have? I don't know how big all of the ones you listed get. It sounds like your tank is kinda full though...6 fish...I know that 3 of them are tetras but you have space for a new fish?
My tetras are clear with a green and black stripe down the side. As of now, I have between 7 and 8 inches of fish. I was thinking that I could add one more and that would be about right. I do, however, plan on waiting until the nitrite level has dropped. Any suggestions on the type of fish to get?


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