Sick Comet


Feb 25, 2004
Reaction score
London, UK
Hi all,

I havent posted for a pretty long time but I really need some advice on this one. About a week ago I noticed white spot in my goldfish tank. In here I have 1 medium & 1 small commet and a fancy goldfish. I started a treatment of protozin. after about the 3rd day I noticed that my largest comet's tale was almost desintegrating and it looked really red and sore. I immediately stopped the whitespot treatment, waited a couple of days did a very large water change and started treating with melafix. It seems to be improving slightly.

Does anyone know what this could be? Is it finrot? or another bacterial infection? Am I treating it correctly with melafix or should I be using a fungal cure such as myxazin?

Please help asap
It sounds like fint rot to me, the general symptons are inflamation (reddening) of the fins and or degneration of the fins or barbels in catfish. Fish with long trailing fins like Comets are generally more susceptible. The cause is a bacterial infection triggered by poor water quality or damage to the fins by other methods. Correct the cause and treat with a broad spectrum bactericide like Myxazin P which is usually effective.
Thanks ryan,

I thought that Myxazin P was for ponds. I have a stash of Normal Myxazin. You think I should stop with the melafix and start a course of this?
I would change, Melafix speeds healing and aids in several other ways, its a broadly used medication but it isn't to useful when treating advanced bacterial infections like fin rot. I would perform a larger water change and start treatment using your Myxazin.

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