Sick Betta - At A Loss As To What The Problem Is!

Bless Him.
Thanks for the good news.
UPDATE with question.
So, you know how I said he was fine?  Well... remember I had said he was on meds and looked worse?  Then I did a water change, I had added salt that time and then the next morning he was like a brand new fish so decided he was fine.  He continued being just fine.  So, I did a water change 5 days later (I think) with just the regular water and dechlorinator... and he went back to being all lethargic!  I puzzled over it and last night dissolved the salt and added it to his tank again and....... this morning he is 100% again!!  Fully happy, enthusiastic, curious, etc etc.
So... the question is... why is salt making a difference?  I live in the UK and the water is hard enough on its own, so it can't be that as it was said bettas prefer softer.  Is the salt actually treating something right now and I just don't know what??  That bit of black on his fin from the photo is unchanged, neither worse nor better.
That is interesting where it says salt is like aspirin.
I don't know if he is stressed.  Before all this he had tall tank plants and I removed them and replaced them with different plants, but they aren't as tall.  I thought maybe that made him unhappy so I bought him a betta hammock until these plants grow tall enough but he isn't interested in that.

As for behavior.  For stress, all I really know about is stress stripes and he has never had stress stripes.  Otherwise, it was only clamping and lethargy... and both went away with salt for the second time.
Clamping can be a sign of stress.
It's up to you but I would suggest double dosing anti internal bacteria medication by interpet.
It shouldn't knock your water stats.
Also carry on with the salt.
I thought salt along with meds was a big no no.
Will interpet kill my snail?  I can rarely ever spot the thing and finding it is near impossible!
I used to use tonic salt with medications. Never heard of not using salt with medications before.
I think to be on the save side I would remove the snail. You could always put him in a bucket.
That sounds awful. Sorry.

You can use salt with anti internal bacteria medication by interpet.
  • Treat with a course of  interpet number nine anti internal bacteria.
  • Add salt.
Thanks.  Will have to have quite a dig around for that snail.. I only see it every 2-3 weeks it is so tiny!
Bless him. Not a lover of snails. Wouldn't harm them. They just make me shudder.
It puts me of gardening too.
He's cute as a button, horned nerrite, you can't even really see the slimey bit.. just a shell moving around.  I got him to manage my little bit of algae and he is perfect... the only way I know he is still there is my tank is still clean!  LOL
Bless Him.
They just make me cringe. 
Pack his bag and tell him he's going on holiday for a few weeks. LOL.
I started the anti-internal bacteria meds yesterday afternoon.  Today he is acting so so... not as good as before the meds but not as bad as he was before salt.
Bless Him.
The Medication will take a while to kick in. Just hope it works.
Maybe just tired from the meds added then.  I've written on my calendar when to do the next dose... I am horrible at remembering timing!
Bless Him.
You could soak his food in garlic juice is meant to give the immune system a boost,
You think it would wash off the food when you add it to the tank. I don't get it.

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