Sick Betta - At A Loss As To What The Problem Is!

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Some information for you.
The third type of infection produced by Aeromonas is by no means the least. This form is often the most virulent (potent) and can be rapidly fatal. This insidious form does not produce any noticeable external ulcers. The most notable feature is a behavioral change in which the infected fish generally become listless and lethargic. Some fish may lose color or appear darker. The fish do not feed, frequently seem off balance and may sink to the bottom laying on their sides. The course of the disease is rapid, and by the time the behavioral changes are noticed, the entire population of a tank may succumb, sometimes in a day or so. This is an internal infection, with the bacteria being found in the kidneys and blood of these fish. The bacteria produce potent toxins that account for the severity of the disease. 
Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in its own right.
Bad water quality.
Old age.
Poor diet.
Bacerial infection.
Is it possible he had that and it has cleared?
Just wondering.  What are the difference between external and anti-internal bacteria meds?  It seems strange as they are fish and they take in the water around them and it would seem logical any meds given reaches them internally.

Just wanted to say again how much better he is.  I missed covering up a bit of the bottom of his tank with his gravel and he discovered it and was practically standing on his nose looking at it.  He hasn't showed that sort of curiosity in awhile.  Makes me feel happy.
Myxazin by waterlife for example only treats external bacterial infections.. You need internal bacteria medications.
to treat fish internally like antibiotics. 
Same as parasites medications that treat external parasites. Then other parasites medications that treat internal parasites.
Hope you can make sense of it as not very good at putting my point across.

It depends on how severe the bacteria infections was. He could of been strong enough to fight it off himself.

Bless Him.
I know how you feel even when you see improvement you still worry.,
He looks so much better in the latest pictures. Try and not worry. Just enjoy him being happy.
He still has that spot of fin rot but hoping clean water and salt will fix that with time.
Surprised that myxazin didn't clear the finrot up as it not a bad medication for finrot.
Though saying that it depends on the strain of bacteria.
I think I would get some anti internal bacteria medication by interpet and give that a try.
Sorry I've been in a rush all morning as I have to go soon as I have an appointment.
I will try my best to get a close up picture of the patch that looks like fin rot to me.  I do have the interpet meds but I haven't used it at this point as I think it would kill my snail.  I might set him up in a container with a heater if need be and hope he doesn't escape!
He was extremely cooperative with my picture taking.  I managed a view from both sides of his fin.  The bit with the grey/black edge hasn't really been eaten away as it matched the length of the rest of the fin you can see of the same length.  It was not the same length of the long bit.   Then back end of the bottom fin and the really long bit are the bit that got caught in the filter several months back... the bit with the black edge healed to the length it is now and that long bit suddenly grew an odd length to everything else.

I should add, I think it is very unlikely that it could have been burnt on the heater as he never ever goes directly near the heater or ever rests on it.
Something else you can do to perk him up is to give him some friends to follow around. I've had kuhli loaches, shrimp and micro rasbora with success.
I had been thinking of norman's lampeyes to try but worried that they might be too small, and also if those didn't work out they could move into my other tank and join the ones I have there.
In my opinion he should be given some more time to recuperate. Adding some tank mates may stress him rather than be a welcome distraction, as well as adding new fish could possibly introduce another nasty into the tank.
Hows the betta?
I was wondering what you thought of the fin pictures above.
He is fine today too.... not swimming as much as yesterday.  He is having some naps but has long gaps in between and he wakes right up immediately when someone comes to see him rather than how he was before where he doesn't bother.  So his behavior is very normal.  I am now only concerned about the fins...and hoping whatever made him so lethargic is over.  He definitely has his old curiosity back.
I personally do not think his fins look very bad.  Continue to watch that dark spot but warm clean water should be all that is needed for his fins unless they get a lot worse.  I am glad to hear that he is showing signs of improvement.  :)
Still looking good today.  I will do another water change to insure he stays this way.  He is definitely seeming like his old self.

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