Alrighty then, mis judged, i was under the impresion it was one cleaner per gallon? or did i buy the wrong snails?
If so, i'm sure the guy will happily take some back
And i'm saving up for a cleaner shrimp but right now they're about $75 and don't have enough.
it is 1 animal per gal but with 8 animals that eat algea you only have 4 animals left to eat detris and uneaten foods. your tank is a 12 gal right?
ouch 75 for a cleaner shrimp! i paid 33 for a skunk cleaner(the ones that are yellow with a white strip and 2 red stripes on its back) and its full grown. you can get young ones from for less than 20. peppermints and Blood Red Fire Shrimp are a lot cheaper.
So the plan is i will take half(4) of the snails back,
So what should i get then(keeping in mind im saving space for one or two shrimp)?
I don't know why it's so expensive compared to other places, but i'll keep on saving untill i can get some., and i can't order off liveaquaria, they don't ship internationally
no problem. i would get nassarious snails since they sift through the sand and eat detris. the shrimp and a few hermits will eat uneaten foods. stock could be: 4 turbo snails, 4 nassarious snails, 1 cleaner shrimp, and 3 hermits. also getting a few extra animals wont hurt, maybe upto 15.
In general, 1 snail per 1-2 gallons. In a 10, I wouldnt' put more than 1, 2 at the MAX turbos in there. A good cleanup sample:
1) 3 astreas....good rockcleaner
2) 3 cerith or nerite...good glass cleaners
3) 3 nassarius....sand sifters
4) 1 Turbo...for extra duty stuff
5) skunk cleaner
6) +/- hermits or emeralds. I'm not a big hermit fan
Day 29
Well i went to the LFS today to take back 6 of my turbos. THEY WOULDN'T TAKE THEM BACK!!! DAMMMMMNNNN ITTTT!
So i have to keep them for now.
But i picked up an abalone Good little critter.
I've decided to wait my nano reefing skills out abit more and start with a school of green chromis, or would that be to much?
I was thinking 3-5 fish as the main feature and then in the future sell them when im comfortable?
Any comments on this?
5.4kg/13-14lbs of Live Rock - $60
2lbs/1kg of Live sand - $5
AZOO 3 in 1 Specific Gravity/Salinity/Conductivity Metre - $39
8 pounds/3.6kg of Corallife Marine Salt - $40
5kg of LR - $60
5 Kg of LS - $18
8 pounds/3.6kg of Corallife Marine Salt - $40
8 Turbo Snails - $20
1 Abalone Snail - $15
Due to costs and time i decided to stop my nano tank. I sold everything i had (besides the tank,heaters and filter/powerheads and the bag of salt i might need for a brakish tank,aswell as the hydrometre).
It was sad, but i know it was for the best, and now i can concentrate more on my freshwater tanks.
5kg of LR - $60
5 Kg of LS - $18
8 Turbo Snails - $20
1 Abalone Snail - $15
when i sold it i got back
I'll still read the forums and add my comment or two though.
Thank you to everyone who had helped me though this, i would have never experienced it with out you.
Is a nano hard work? you and parker have both closed down now, how much time do you spend a week working on it? I suppose as you have your freshwaters running at the same time it might get too much which is why im going to be shutting mine donw so i can concentrate fully on the nano.
I spent about 10-20 minutes on it a day
It's not hard work if you think about it, but it definitly is work. I just found less and less time to concentrate on it, and i thought that would be unfair to the tank and inverts. And i was also running out on funding, the prices are much cheaper in England and the US to keep a nano then Oz.
Yeah, when i was younger and tried marine funding just didnt allow for the things you constantly need to buy. Its tough. Hope to see you back at the game sometime soon though. Im sure youll find the time and money someday.