Shutting Down

Way to go D.D. Never quit. It's easy to stumble and fall in the beginning of nano reeferness. Chances'll probably hit more hard times...cyano, hair algae, etc. Ya gotta pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep bangin' away. SH
What ever happens with this tank, i'm not going to quit at it :)

Day 14

It seems the old LR was of no use at all so i had to throw it away, it did a mini crash of the tank again.

So i will be starting a fresh :)

I'm probably getting everything today,
Well i got LR, LS and a bag of salt

5.4kg/13-14lbs of Live Rock - $60
2lbs/1kg of Live sand - $5
AZOO 3 in 1 Specific Gravity/Salinity/Conductivity Metre - $39
8 pounds/3.6kg of Corallife Marine Salt - $40
5kg of LR - $60
5 Kg of LS - $18
8 pounds/3.6kg of Corallife Marine Salt - $40

New Total: $262

Day 15
I've noticed quite a few hard corals on the rock now, it should be a few days beofre the critters come out. :)

I'm going LFS hunting today, and am checking out prices everywhere possible.

a mini update:

I just notices some Bristleworms coming out to play :)

Well, when i put it in the "new" tank, it just nuked the tank again.

Oviously when the tank nuked, the LR "died off" and got "infected".

Day 19
Diotam bloom! Its all over, the rocks, the glas and the sand.

I'm going to get a bunch of snails tomorow!
Will update as i go along :)

Day 20
I was just at a LFS i had been to before, but never for marines, for cleaner crew hunting and it was really expensive! it was $103 for a cleaner shrimp! and they never had any snails, so never got anything in the end.

I will probably go to another shop tomorow and see there.
will update
WOW! $103 for cleaner shrimp! Thats rediculous....I can pay around $1.00 for snails, $2.00-4.00 for hermits, and anywhere from $20-$200 for things like Burnt sausages, pairs of shrimp, and sponge crabs!

I saw a PAIR of Harlequin shrimp for $450 on thursday! :eek:

Heres some links to very re-comendable retailers online (from MASA/RTAW) and elsewhere ive found. Solely in AUS! YAY! <<, No live goods, but dirt cheap for equipment! :D << In singapore but ive heard great things! ;)

Miagi! ;)
Thanks Miagi :)

Snails and hermits dont go above $5, which im glad about, but i havent found another place that readily has shrimp in stock so i might have to wait :)

Hmm, i see. Id really recomend staying away from hermits, unless they are the "micro-hermit" sort. Which will grow anyway. Mine abuse my corals like nothin on earth lol, and have nocked over all but 2 of my heaviest corals. :S

My CBS also doesnt clean, and just as well as my hermits, abuses my corals by trampling them. he is Large though. Im selling him on sunday! :D I sold him for $25 which is an absolute bargain for his size. The ones half his size go for $40 here at my local LFS's.

Pitty u didnt live closer! :D
Will take your advice then :)
Although i haven't got corals yet, i will keep that in mind.
And if i lived closer, i would've bought him in a second :p

Day 22
Got 8 turbo snails! They were 2.50 each and only had $20 on me otherwise i would have gotten more.
They're aclimating right now :D


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